Member since Jan 2022 • Last active Oct 2022Most recent activity
Sorry link is here
@Gordon the post was here
It seems like there is only a passcode when i try and access it on the PC, tryed the phone like you said and I can get into it.
All my old files are still there but like I said no menu and no access to apps.
Im accessing the IDE through my phone and im in, what can i type to factory reset?
@HughB nothing works apart from holding button 3 reset, holding buttton 1 and 2 reset and holding button 1 and 2 and then realsing button 2 reboot. No menus, no apps.
I entered
E.setBootCode('NRF.setAdvertising({},{name: "<name>"});',true);
To change the devise name, which it did but wiped everything else.
Now when I try and pair to bluetooth (to restore settings) it's asking for a passcode I never set.
Done all resets I could find. Name remains changed and default passcodes not working.
Is there an Esprunio default passcode?
Just posting demo code
var Layout = require("Layout"); var layout = new Layout( {type:"txt", font:"6x8", label:"Hello World"}); g.clear(); layout.render();
is causing the error
*'Uncaught Error: Function "setUI" not found!
at line 1 col 223
...lazy=c.lazy||!1;var b;if(Bangle.setUI(),process.env.HWVERSION!=2){...^
in function "Layout" called from line 2 col 71
..."6x8", label:"Hello World"});^
Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'render' of undefined
at line 4 col 7
layout.render();'*Ram and storage, Bangle 1
Hey thanks for the help,
is not working, it says the function does not exist. I can only connect to the IDE on the phone not the app downloader.
I downloaded both of the boot files from storage on the IDE and seen that "bootrst.txt" only has one line of code...
Im sure there is meant to be more text.
Can someone send me the plain boot files manually so i can apply them manually. I think that may work.