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My idea was to set the phones address to a resolvable random private address with a preshared key (IRK) and let the Bangle use this for authentication purposes every time a device tries to connect to it.
But maybe this is already what happens when passkey is used? I'm not really deep in Bluetooth details, so bear with me :)
Too bad :)
On the other side, it seems this is what "resolvable random private addresses" in BTLE are for. Is there any chance Bangle and GadgetBridge could use this?Apart from this: Yes, the topic can be closed.
- Resetted all settings to default. Connecting was no problem. Reconnecting (deactivate/reactivate Bluetooth on phone) also works.
- Activated passcode. This also connects fine when providing the correct code. Reconnecting also works.
- Added the device to whitelist. Reconnecting works as long as I don't leave the settings app. Even when switching Bluetooth off and on again on my phone. When I leave settings, reconnecting does not work anymore.
When doing "add device" in the settings and then reconnecting (by switching Bluetooth on the phone off, then on and then reconnect GadgetBride) multiple times, I get different device addresses. So it really seems as if the phone changes its address every time Bluetooth is switched off and on again. Anyhow, it's strange that it's still possible to reconnect with (presumably) different address as long as I do not leave the settings app.
- Resetted all settings to default. Connecting was no problem. Reconnecting (deactivate/reactivate Bluetooth on phone) also works.
Ok, some additional tests:
I removed all devices from GadgetBridge and Bangle.js, then added a new device to the whitelist again and also did it with pairing in GadgetBridge (it worked after some tries).
Now, as long as I'm still in the settings menu on Bangle.js, the reconnection works reliably.When I go back to the clock app (Bangle.js reboots for that), the existing connection still works but any following disconnect/reconnect fails.
@johan_m_o: Unfortunately, pairing does not work. GadgetBridge refuse to create a connection if I try to.
Hi everyone,
I've got problems with the connection between Bangle.js 2 and GadgetBridge.
Any time the connection is dropped (either by manually deactivating it on the phone or walking out of range), a reconnection cannot be built up. GadgetBridge on my phone is just showing "Warten auf Wiederverbindung" ("waiting for reconnection").If I delete the connection both on the phone and on Bangle.js and reconnect them, it will work again until the next loss of connection.
I'm using:
On my phone:
- LineageOS 18 / Android 11, rooted
- GadgetBridge 0.64.0 from F-droid
- AppOsX for managing App permissions
- AFWall+ for managing network permissions
On Bangle.js:
- The "Android Integration" app on Bangle.js
To connect phone and Bangle.js, I do
- On Bangle.js go to Settings -> Bluetooth -> Whitelist -> Add device
- On my phone/Gadgetbridge click on the "+" sign to add a new device
- On my phone click on Bangle.js, then "nicht koppeln" ("don't couple")
Is anyone else observing this behavior?
Are there any known incompatibilities?
Also, I recognized that the displayed Bluetooth address on Bangle.js changes every time I create a new connection and it is not identical to the Bluetooth address that's displayed on my phone ("About phone" -> "Bluetooth address"). Is this normal?Thanks,
Kc - LineageOS 18 / Android 11, rooted
Ok, great. Btw: Is there any way to use a passkey that is longer than 6 characters and maybe also uses alphanumerical characters instead only numerical ones or is this a hardware limitation of Bangle? A key space of only 100000 different keys looks like it could be easily bruteforcable.