Avatar for lunctis-viribus


Member since Dec 2021 • Last active Jul 2024
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    I'm quite sure it worked in the past.
    I don't have Chrome installed on my Android. Only on my laptop. Connecting by USB my Android with laptop with Chrome is my current workaround...

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    The official App Loader (It is blank in Device specific settings)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    I have a similar issue since recently with my Bangle.js 2.

    I go on my Android phone to Bangle.js Gadgetbridge, the to the App Manager, Connect, Go to My Apps, (Then I have to refresh the app list because all apps are called unknown for reasons I don't know, maybe it's a related issue) , then I scroll to the Recorder App. Then I get the Recorder pop-up with in this pop-up a box with:
    Please wait

    Loading Track List...

    But the loading never happens. I know that it worked in the past.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    I have the same issue. It would be awesome if the Bangle.js2 can integrate with Sleep as Android.
    I would be glad to help debugging, testing, coding to find a solution. However I'm not sure where to start. Anyone with advice?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    but now you're saying that you get is when going to 2v19?


    did it display anything else after BOOTING... (like the Bangle.js logo or part of the watch screen?)

    No, BOOTING... was the last line

    Do you have any other bluetooth settings enabled like Whitelist?

    No, Whitelist seems not to work as it always says: 'Connect device to add to whitelist' also when phone is connected.

    Yes, it definitely does. I've just tried it again here and it works great on a watch with 2v19, even after reboot.

    Yes it works.

    Thanks for the answers.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    were all your apps up to date?

    All but 4 apps were up to date

    And Gadgetbridge repeatedly complained that it couldn't connect?


    Did you have any other bluetooth options set like a Pin code?

    Yes I have a pincode

    I guess you might have hit that (but unpairing/repairing should have fixed it).

    Probably, I haven't tried repairing indeed.

    was that when updating using https://banglejs.com/apps/?id=fwupdate ?


    I tried updating to v2.19 again (all apps up-to-date), same issue, infinite 'BOOTING...' loop again... :-(
    Then I tried it again after removing the pincode and that worked.

    I'm now wondering whether the pincode functionality works at all?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    Data transfer with phone seems broken after the firmware update: Weather report is not received by Bangle.js 2 and activity data and battery percentage is not received by the Gadgetbridge app.

    I decided to try to go back to firmware v2.18, however somehow then my Bangle.js 2 came stuck in an infinite 'BOOTING...' loop like in https://forum.espruino.com/conversations/385921/

    With the special firmware updater I managed to install v2.18 again and everything is working now, think I will not touch the firmware again...

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    After updating my Bangle.js 2 firmware to v2.19 I cannot connect with the Bangle.js Gadgetbridge App Manager on my phone anymore: Device connection failed. Is 'Programmable' set to 'Off'?

    However Programmable is enabled in Settings and I can connect to the App Manager with my computer. Is this an issue for the Bangle.js Gadgetbridge app? To me it seems like something changed with the v2.19 firmware as this issue started immediately after updating the firmware using my phone.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lunctis-viribus

    Is there something wrong with the official AppLoader?
    It now shows, after Ctrl+F5, for example Languages v0.11. When I connect my Bangle.js2 it shows I can upgrade Languages to v.013. However when I click on 'v.013' the Change Log doesn't go further than 0.11. Same hold for 3 other apps that are upgradable.

    Edit - Okay it seems I installed those newer versions myself with the development AppLoader... So no cache issues here.
