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Received my bangle.js 2 over the weekend. Opened and charged it for a few hours. Pressed the button and got to a screen with a menu. Rolled the menu, the screen went black. It's been like that following an additional charge, charge with a 2nd cable, short button presses, long button presses, wiggled button presses (per forums). I've tried to connect with the Web IDE on a couple of computers but the device doesn't show up. I did check that the cables are delivering 5.18v. Is there something I've missed or should test?
First check was in a dark room for backlight: negative.
Never heard any buzzing.
Rechecked Web IDE following sitting for a while, 3s press, 6s press, 10s & 20s: negative, "no compatible device found"
Cleaned with an artgum eraser and alcohol. Showing 3.32v across center 2 pins, nothing across outer pins. Charged for an hour, tried 3 seconds, 6s, 10s and 20s. No sign of screen activity or a backlight. Rechecked the IDE as above, same result.
I haven't read all of the documentation but can't see what I might have selected by doing that first random scroll that would lock it up.
Magical thinking has me continuing to press the button every once in a while, but in the words of a famous doctor: "I think it's dead, Jim", (although, glad to try/test anything else you can think of).