Member since Nov 2021 • Last active Dec 2021Most recent activity
I still have no idea what happened, but I had two 3 clock faces installed, one of them disappeared overnight when this happened. then I had the Nifty B clock and the Anton clock which it was stuck on. I finally decided to delete the Anton clock and boom! I had my menu back. What a pain! Seems to be working now, but I don't know why it got all wonky in the first place.
I set it on 'Quiet Mode' yesterday, and since then I can't get the menu to come back up. I have reset to default, and uninstalled and resinstalled all the apps, it will connect to the app page, it will connect to GadgetBridge, but i can't use the menu on my watch at all. It was really weird last night as well, it changed itselt to 24 hour time instead of 12 and changed the clock face that i was using.
Nope, it worked until I added the cool altimeter program, now I can't get to the menu again... Love the idea, but this is not fun