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Member since Nov 2021 • Last active Mar 2022
  • 4 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    I know that Xiaomi phones have pretty aggressive battery saver settings, or at least mine does anyway.

    Have you set the GB app on your phone to have no restrictions set on the battery settings?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    Oh nice! I'll definitely check that out when it's up. I do wonder what other stuff people may have developed with their Bangles that exists outside of the apps within the App Loader

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    Yeah, I think you are right. Wake/unlocked are interchangeable in that settings menu so I think it doesn't matter. I suppose what I meant to say in that statement was that if unlocking/waking the screen is only enabled via BTN1 for someone, then it may not be advisable to use a single press to act as a shortcut to anything.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    That's a great suggestion and a very valid point about the button wear and tear. I still would prefer to activate somethings via hardware buttons but, if it improves the lifespan of the device then maybe that's something I need to accept and start to prioritise the touch screen.

    That's a great watchface! I think I need to experiment with creating watchfaces and perhaps make my own that does something similar to yours. Shame it's not been released into the wild, I bet a lot of people would be interested in using something like that!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    I was thinking about how I used to like having physical button shortcuts to some applications on my Pebble and how that could possibly be added to the Bangle JS 2.

    One thought I had was to potentially add the ability to press BTN1 x number of times to launch a particular application. E.g. press 2 x for Messages, 3 x for Quiet Mode App etc.

    This would likely only make sense while on the Clock screen as other apps may require presses of BTN1 for certain functions. Also, the first press of BTN1 would likely be reserved for unlocking the device (unless screen is always unlocked I guess).

    I know the Pattern Launcher exists and it really is brilliant but sometimes it is more convenient to launch apps from a physical button than having to unlock first and then do a pattern.

    I was mucking around in the web IDE and created a simple click counter detector for BTN1 using setTimeout functions but I wasn't sure how to apply it to the rest of the watch so that awareness of the initial unlock with a single press was respected and that when inside other apps it was ignored. Likely something for someone else to look at until I have a better grasp on the system as a whole.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    I reckon you have hit the nail on the head!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    Just had a thought regarding the month number being incorrect. I have a feeling that Javascript dates work from a 0 index for the month field when you use something like date.getMonth() (i.e. January = 0, February = 1 etc.) that might be why December is being displayed as 11 instead of 12

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weagertron

    With regards to the inflated step count values, this is something I came across too when using the Gadgetbridge app on the Bangle 2. If you switch to using the Android Integration app then instead of the GB app then it should report more accurately

    Edit: Link to my post http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/370644/
