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Got my Bangle.js 2 today, very nice :)
Some things I figured might be helpful to mention:The wooden charge cradle is a little hard to figure out how to assemble without instructions, and the charger itself is very hard to fit into the cradle. Not a big deal, I did manage to assemble it after some effort, and it looks nice, I just thought it was worth mentioning.
The display seems to "ghost" a lot.. it becomes a lot more obvious with the black background theme (chose it because with the white theme, the display just looks under-saturated - first picture, so I thought maybe with the black theme it'd help). The ghosting does begin to fade away after a few seconds, but it's the first time I've seen a display do that, so it was surprising. Is it normal?
Hi Gordon,
Some further experimentation seems to show that it's linked to the screen not refreshing as much - if I open the About app and leave it for a minute, there's basically no ghosting when I go back to the time display, but if I open the Settings app and leave it for even ten seconds, there's ghosting. I'm guessing this is because the Settings app doesn't refresh the screen unless it's actually changing something, while the About app is refreshing every time the backer pixels segment scrolls, so there's no ghosting in areas where the screen contents are fixed (MAC address, firmware information).
That said, it also doesn't happen when going from the clock display to the app switcher, despite the time being a fairly static thing on-screen.. I can reliably reproduce it in the settings app and going -from- the settings app to anything else, but I can't reproduce it easily in anything else. Weird!
Edit: After some more futzing around, I've managed to reproduce it going from the clock face to the app list, but it seems specific to the backlight being on.