Avatar for SimonGAndrews


Member since Aug 2021 • Last active Dec 2024
  • 8 conversations

Retired Solution Architect (Xerox - Imaging Services)
Working on implementing Xstate
on Microcontrollers for improving Service Delivery

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    This link seems to identify the problem. An indeed tracing the error message back into the code shows that the ESP IDF i2c driver (see image for source file name) is expecting to be passed a clocks variable in the config structure from espruino jshardwareI2c.c

    I am testing a fix which will need to be ifdef out for the idf4 build. It also involves handling the i2C speed that Espruino allows to be set in the I2C.setup function. PR to follow.
    Im setting up a local clone of Espruino to test the builds (including ESP32 idf V3) after the change to be sure the ESP32 old version still builds and executes I2C.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    An error occurs using espruino in the ESP32-C3 IDF 4 build. when setting up the i2C. In more detail: When building with the command line:

    BOARD=ESP32C3_IDF4 DEBUG=1 make flash BINDIR=.

    The error occurs when executing the espruino command:


    The error text is :

    i2c: i2c_param_config(684): i2c clock choice is invalid, please check
    flag and frequency

    Uncaught Error: jshI2CSetup: Invalid arguments at line 1 col 27


  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    Hello @martin_hamilton its good to see another set of eyes on the ESp32 IDF V4/5 builds. Good luck , I will follow also.

  • in News
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    Thanks @Gordon. Those tutorials look good with explanations and detail. Cheers

  • in News
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    Good luck with this @Gordon it looks a useful option in the espruino toolbox.
    I saw the Lego tutorial, im interested for the grandchildren. ;)
    What’s a good solution for setting up a controller on an iPhone to control the jolt outputs with buttons and display inputs. Or maybe windows PC if iOS is an issue. All child friendly.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    For future reference this link appears to be the Micropython GitHub commit for upgrading micropython on the ESP 32 board family from ESP IDF v4.? to ESP IDF 5.2. This difference analysis should help as a reference for any future Espruino migration to the same.

    The scope of the single commit change is across 68 source files including the SDKconfig files. The file structure seems intuitive with peripherial/functionality centric file contents.
    The commit contains the following comment:

    This commit updates the esp32 port to work exclusively with ESP-IDF
    v5. IDF v5 is needed for some of the newer ESP32 SoCs to work, and it
    also cleans up a lot of the inconsistencies between existing SoCs (eg
    S2, S3, and C3).

    Support for IDF v4 is dropped because it's a lot of effort to maintain
    both versions at the same time.

    The following components have been verified to work on the various

                ESP32     ESP32-S2  ESP32-S3  ESP32-C3
    build       pass      pass      pass      pass
    SPIRAM      pass      pass      pass      N/A
    REPL (UART) pass      pass      pass      pass
    REPL (USB)  N/A       pass      pass      N/A
    filesystem  pass      pass      pass      pass
    GPIO        pass      pass      pass      pass
    SPI         pass      pass      pass      pass
    I2C         pass      pass      pass      pass
    PWM         pass      pass      pass      pass
    ADC         pass      pass      pass      pass
    WiFi STA    pass      pass      pass      pass
    WiFi AP     pass      pass      pass      pass
    BLE         pass      N/A       pass      pass
    ETH         pass      --        --        --
    PPP         pass      pass      pass      --
    sockets     pass      pass      pass      pass
    SSL         pass      ENOMEM    pass      pass
    RMT         pass      pass      pass      pass
    NeoPixel    pass      pass      pass      pass
    I2S         pass      pass      pass      N/A
    ESPNow      pass      pass      pass      pass
    ULP-FSM     pass      pass      pass      N/A
    SDCard      pass      N/A       N/A       pass
    WDT         pass      pass      pass      pass

    And also see the official espressif ESP IDF migration guides found here.

  • in General
    Avatar for SimonGAndrews

    Also has been discussed in forum here
