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Hi Gordon,
Thank you for your response.
This is make sense, but in my caseNRF.getSecurityStatus().connected
.My steps were:
- Connect via USB
- upload
+ out put theNRF.getSecurityStatus().connected
- disconnect from USB
- insert the battery
- search via bluetooth dialog in Chrome on my mac then search in the webble app on ios.
I also tried to run
var devices; NRF.findDevices(function(d) { devices = d; console.log(devices); }, 50000);
I started with 1000 then raised the time to find. No devices found. I expected it to find second Puck nearby.
Maybe I can somehow debug bluetooth module itself, run diagnostics, get more info?
- Connect via USB
Hello good people,
I have two identical puck.js v2. They both fully functional untill one of them stopped appear in the bluetooth dialog when connecting to web IDE, while I see second device in the dialog just fine.I did a reset and a hard reset, when I insert a battery a red light blinks as expected I can even connect to this puck via USB serial and write code to it via web IDE. Only bluetooth is gone.
Any ideas how to investigate this problem further?
thank you :)
Thank you for this, where do I send it?
Yes, it found couple of devices around (same spot as a first one).