Avatar for user124233


Member since Jan 2021 • Last active Jan 2021
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user124233

    It would be nice if the bluetooth connection could be made without prompting.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user124233

    I'm sorry, I misunderstood.
    I see that Puck.write can also be used in bangle.js.
    I was able to achieve this by reading and writing to variables using Puck.write and Puck.eval. Thank you very much.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user124233

    Thank you for your answer.
    I don't have much knowledge of programming, so please teach me.

    The content of http://www.espruino.com/Web+Bluetooth looks like a sample for puck.js, such as "Puck.write".

    I want to send text from my browser to bangle.js via bluetooth and have it appear on the bangle.js screen.
    Currently, the browser-side program (write_test.html in the attachment) uses the bluejelly library.
    On the browser side, writing from the connection works fine, but I can't figure out how to receive it on the bangle.js side.

    I don't know how to write "\x03\x10require("Storage").writeJSON("myapp.settings.js", "+JSON.stringify(myjsondata)+")" on my program. Is there a simple sample program?

    I'm looking forward to working with you.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user124233

    I want to use bluetooth to communicate between a browser and bangle.js. I want to scan a QR code and send the scan information from the browser to bangle.js. I was able to create a program for the browser side using the web bluetooth api, but I am unable to create a program for the bangle.js side. Is there a sample that might be helpful?
