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Member since Dec 2020 • Last active Dec 2020
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    Updating my question. When I checked the bluetooth device settings in my Windows computer I noticed that there are no Manufacturer and Model information. I guess that because of this no lenovo drivers are used.

    So my question is how do I get Puck.js to be identified as a Lenovo keyboard?

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    Interesting. I was still unable to get it work. It seems that the key is not actually a part of the keyboard. When I try to monitor my key presses with "showkey -a" it does not catch the key press at all.

    Is there any other options to mute my microphone? I'm thinking of registering Puck.js as a headset?

    ed@edhome:~$ showkey -a
    Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program
    a 	 97 0141 0x61
    b 	 98 0142 0x62
    c 	 99 0143 0x63
    d 	100 0144 0x64
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    I've been trying to use my Puck.js to emulate Lenovo keyboard microphone on/off button (f4), but cannot get it to work. I suppose that I need to somehow first tell the computer that my Puck.js is a lenovo keyboard and then send a right code.

    I can see from the lenovo drivers that the code I should send is "0x00f1".

    Any ideas regarding this?

    Here's my current code:

    function p(c,cb) {
      NRF.sendHIDReport(c, function() {
        NRF.sendHIDReport(0, cb);
    setWatch(function(e) {
      // Measure length of the press
      var len = e.time - e.lastTime;
      p(0x00f1,function() {
    }, BTN, { edge:"falling",repeat:true,debounce:50});