Avatar for cimbo-sbt


Member since Jun 2020 • Last active Jun 2020
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for cimbo-sbt

    I found the solution...If for some reason you turned off both "BLE" and "Make Connectable" and you are not able to connect anymore to the device even after the firmware update getting stuck with the above image (notice the Bluetooth-> symbol in the bottom left corner) follow the instructions provided in the next img and you will end up with the same logo but this time without the bluetooth-> symbol. Now the device will be discoverable and connectable!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for cimbo-sbt

    I'm having a similar issue but my watch is never contactable...I went through the DFU mode with the upload of the zip file. But when I reboot my watch is still not reachable...what am I doing wrong?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for cimbo-sbt

    I went through the DFU mode and installed back the latest stable firmware.
    After all those steps I ended up with the same result...I'm still stuck on this logo and I can not connect through the App loader page or the web IDE.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for cimbo-sbt

    I'm not able to connect anymore to the Bangle.js (I think BLE and Make discoverable are both disabled)
    And when I reboot the watch this is what it shows...
    what can I do to enable back the bluetooth or go back to the setting menu?
    Thank you
