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Member since May 2020 • Last active Oct 2024
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  • in Bangle.js
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    My watch was in that condition, but I couldn't connect to it using the web IDE. When I tried to connect it gave me an error. I was able to reset it though.

    Is there an easy way to simulate the pedometer movement? The problem seems to happen when I'm out so I'm guessing it might be something which is updating gadgetbridge/pedometer.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Sander

    The recipe to replicate it is install the stack of Kitchen Combo, Pedometer, Gadgetbridge and (maybe) Fullscreen Notifications.
    It will work OK initially then you start getting memory errors when cycling the clock and I think the pedometer (like you mentioned) somehow overwrites something in the configuration. Usually within a day or two the face goes blank and rebooting shows the error listed above.

  • in Bangle.js
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    I have the situation again where the watch won't boot and gets stuck on the logo screen. I can connect to the Web IDE is there a command which will show any active errors?

  • in Bangle.js
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    That's odd. Have you been using the Web IDE to play around at all?

    This was just during normal operation. I didn't knowingly do anything different than load apps and maybe not even that. It stopped after I reset the watch, if it happens again I will look in the Web IDE now that I know how to do that.

  • in Bangle.js
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    @HughB First of all thanks for the replies and definitely for writing the kitchen combo as it has been the first time I've really felt I was getting the full functionality out of the watch!

    In terms of the apps that have given me trouble, I used to use multi-clock, but periodically I would end up with no watch face and I was never able to figure out why. Historically I have only used watch faces and gadgetbridge as my applications.
    I have had good luck with kitchen combo, but something happened over the past two weeks where the watch would hang and wouldn't boot completely. It would get to the bangle logo screen and the only output would be a prompt which said "bluetooth>" at the bottom when it was connected, but I ultimately had to reset it. Kitchen Combo has been working pretty well overall, but it does occasionally give me memory errors. This on 2.09, but I only see 0.11 of Kitchen Combo available at https://banglejs.com/apps/# is there some other channel?

    This is the type of behavior which always has me reset as I can't figure out where the problem is. My thinking was that we all have the same watch so it must be some combination of the apps I'm running. I will have to try the ide method @Gordon described above in the future.

    So is correct that you would need a monolithic app like Kitchen Combo to get all the functionality at once in a watch face? This is something that has confused me since there are apps which say they run in the background (GPS Recorder) I was unclear when you have clock faces which read other items like Vertical watch face (steps/heart rate) and Mario Clock(temperature?!?!) rely on some basic apps being installed to function correctly. Kitchen Combo does say it need a pedometer (pedominter?) widget installed, so I'm assuming the widget provides some functionality.

    Thanks for offering to help with this and I do think it will improve the ecosystem and have more active users. I would be more willing to try new apps if I thought it wouldn't mess up my watch.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Is there a wiki or similar which would help us who don't follow the code figure out our watches?

    I would get more use out of the watch if I could better understand the way the apps function or how to troubleshoot it when its not working as expected. I've gone through numerous starts of using my watch but inevitably the config becomes unstable/unpredictable and I give up until the next firmware is released.

    If I better understood why the system was so unstable for me I would be more inclined to submit bugs, but there's not much documentation beyond getting the initial watch running. I realize there is a troubleshooting area, but I think a general faq or wiki regarding the software with working scenarios would be helpful. Also to give tips on how to use some of the apps or allow authors to submit more elaborate documentation.

    To give you an idea of the types of questions I'm thinking of:
    Does loading more apps on the watch affect the memory errors in running apps?
    Can I remove apps to help avoid memory errors?
    Which apps are always running opposite those which load when you start them?
    What base apps are needed for various functionality (e.g. its still unclear to me what role gps/pedometer widgets/apps play in watch face functionality)?
    What is quiet mode?
    If my watch crashes on startup is there anything I can besides resetting it?

    Related to http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/364674/ I am disappointed that the only way I've found the watch to work consistently is with the default apps which have hardly any functionality. I would really like to see something like the Kitchen Combo be the default face if that can be made stable.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Thanks for the details @MaBe

    @Gordon yes, I was just commenting since you've gone in to so trouble on this and there is so many nice details on the finish of the product. I jumped into the apps and immediately hit problems where I had to reset my watch a bunch of times, but after updating the firmware and not installing as many apps its looking better.

    Thanks for the information still getting my bearings, but I'm good now.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Thanks @MaBe so the "Release Version" on this page: https://www.espruino.com/Download#banglejs is pretty meaningless at this point and we should use the cutting edge version at this stage of development.
