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@AkosLukacs Thanks for the reply! It seems I am on the right lines then - however
'I have to disconnect from the device for the service advertisements to actually update'
Maybe there is something wrong in my fundamental understanding - I have saved the watch app into the device storage, I run the app on the watch with no devices connected, then attempt to connect to the watch. By disconnect do you mean completely unpair and then repair? I'll give that a try!
I'll definitely take your advice and get that app, it sounds like it could be really useful.
I've started building a web app that can connect to the bangle and send commands via bluetooth. All works well when using the built in service/characteristic:
const bluetoothServiceUUID: BluetoothServiceUUID = '6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e'; const bluetoothCharacteristicUUID: BluetoothCharacteristicUUID = '6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e';
however my aim is to stream accelerometer data from the watch, so I've been trying to write a watch app that exposes a custom service/characteristic to do this.
This is my first espruino device and my first use of web bluetooth - but as a start and following the code from this puck project: I've written a really simple watch app that I expected to expose a service that I can just read a value from -
function onInit() { NRF.setServices({ '92c1b5b8-e824-4938-bbed-672529103e56': { '92c1b5b8-e825-4938-bbed-672529103e56': { notify: true, readable: true, broadcast: true, value: "Hello" } } }); E.showMessage("Waiting..","Bluetooth Connection"); } onInit();
Opening the app on the watch and then attempting to use this service and characteristic from the web app I get:
No Services matching UUID 92c1b5b8-e824-4938-bbed-672529103e56 found in Device.
Please can someone point me in the right direction as to why this isn't working?
Thanks @AkosLukacs that's really helpful. I hadn't realised when you first responded that it was your code I'd been using!