Member since Jun 2019 • Last active Feb 2023Most recent activity
Thanks for the suggestions I have JS-OTP (One Time Password) loading now without the error or memory warning by editing out the ES6 default values. I cut and pasted the GIT hub code into the right hand IDE panel and uploaded it from there. I also removed any browser objects as the code was designed to work in browser.
But I hit a new issue with HMAC. (HMAC stands for Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication) The hash features used by JS-OTP and TinyOTP expect a .hmac method on the hash object. The built in crypto libs do not have this feature.
I don't think I can implement HMAC so I am looking for an OTP implementation that is not using HMAC.
I will update here when I make progress.
I think I have found the issue the OTPAuth is too large when loaded with the crypto.js lib.
var crypto = require("crypto"); var otp = require("");
Gives the following error
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| 2v03 (c) 2018 G.Williams >Uncaught SyntaxError: Got UNFINISHED STRING expected EOF at line 1 col 98 ...aster/dist/otpauth.min.js","(function(){/*\n otpauth v4.0.0 ... ^ Execution Interrupted New interpreter error: LOW_MEMORY,MEMORY >Uncaught Error: Module not found at line 3 col 81 ...master/dist/otpauth.min.js"); ^ >
I will look for a different OTP lib
Hi I am trying to generate time based single sign on tokens on my Pixl and puckjs. these can then be sent to a PC or phone over BT via the keyboard HID.
My research so far says that I need the crypto.js lib from modules and OTPAuth from npm as it has no dependencies
So far I am only getting erros. I think I do not have my requires working I will post more after I get better results
To use:
- Upload code via webIDE
- Disconnect the IDE
- Calibrate the mag sensor by rotating puck in all directions until no red flashes (only green)
- Press button to stop calibrating
- Connect by BLE from a laptop or phone
- run music software
- rotate for volume
- press for pause/play
- Turn over and rotate for next/prev track
Let me know your results.
Current things to improve are next/prev un- pauses, the is no power saving mode, and tidy up my code and create some low level functions for calibrate and power management.Code:
var Vec3 = require('Vec3'); var vMin = new Vec3(); var vMax = new Vec3(); var vAve = new Vec3(); var vZero = new Vec3(); var calibrating = false; var calibrated = false; var count = 0; var h = 0; var oldh = 0; var r = 0; var controls = require("ble_hid_controls"); var nrf = NRF.setServices(undefined, { hid : }); /* // use this for power managment // call a function if button is held down for 4 seconds function b4Seconds(callback) { setWatch(function(e) { if (calibrating) {return;} console.log("Button down"); t4s = setTimeout(function() { callback(); },4000); setWatch(function(e) { clearTimeout(t4s); console.log("Button up"); }, BTN, { repeat: false, edge: 'falling', debounce: 50 }); }, BTN, { repeat: true, edge: 'rising', debounce: 50 }); } */ function calibrate () { if (calibrated) { //console.log('re-calibrating...'); } else { //console.log('calibrating...'); } calibrated = false; calibrating = true; var xyz = Puck.mag(); var sMax = 0; var sMin = 0; count = 0; vMin = new Vec3(xyz); vMax = new Vec3(xyz); Puck.magOn(10); Puck.on('mag', function(xyz) { if (calibrated) {return;} var vMag = new Vec3(xyz); vMin = vMin.min(vMag); vMax = vMax.max(vMag); if ((sMax != vMax.mag()) || (sMin != vMin.mag())) { sMin = vMin.mag(); sMax = vMax.mag(); count++; //console.log('new min or max: ',count); // flash the red LED when calibrating digitalPulse(LED1,1,100); } else { // flash the green LED when not calibrating digitalPulse(LED2,1,10); } }); //press the buton to stop calibrating setWatch(function(e) { Puck.magOn(5); calibrating = false; //console.log("calibarion completed"); //console.log('max: ',vMax); //console.log('min: ',vMin); // calculate the average of vMin and vMax to get the nuteral position vAve = new Vec3((vMin.x + vMax.x)/2,(vMin.y + vMax.y)/2,(vMin.z + vMax.z)/2); // console.log('ave: ',vAve); // get the zero position when the end calibrate button was pressed vZero = new Vec3(Puck.mag()).sub(vAve); // console.log('zero:',vZero); calibrated = true; }, BTN, { repeat: false, edge: 'rising', debounce: 50 }); } function calibratedMag() { var comQueue = []; var coms = false; // use the button for play/pause setWatch(function(e) { if(calibrating) {return;} comQueue.push('S'); digitalPulse(LED1,1,10); digitalPulse(LED2,1,10); digitalPulse(LED3,1,10); }, BTN, { repeat: true, edge: 'rising', debounce: 50 }); Puck.magOn(10); Puck.on('mag', function(xyz) { if(calibrating) {return;} if ((comQueue.length > 0) && (coms == false)){ coms = true; //console.log(comQueue,coms); var comand = comQueue.pop(); if (comand == 'U') { digitalPulse(LED1,1,3); try { controls.volumeUp(function(){ controls.volumeUp(function(){ coms = false; });}); } catch (e) {coms = false;} } if (comand == 'D') { digitalPulse(LED3,1,3); try { controls.volumeDown(function(){ controls.volumeDown(function(){ coms = false; });}); } catch (e) {coms = false;} } if (comand == 'N') { digitalPulse(LED2,1,3); try {{ coms = false; }); } catch (e) {coms = false;} } if (comand == 'P') { digitalPulse(LED2,1,3); try { controls.prev(function(){ coms = false; }); } catch (e) {coms = false;} } if (comand == 'S') { try { controls.playpause(function(){ coms = false; }); } catch (e) {coms = false;} } } // correct mag reading using calibration data var vMag = new Vec3(xyz).sub(vAve); //console.log('mag: ',vMag); h = (Math.atan2(vMag.y, vMag.x) * 180) / Math.PI; if (h > 360) { h = h - 360; } if (h < 0) { h = h + 360; } r = Math.round(h - oldh); if ((r > 300)) {r = r - 360;} if ((r < -300)) {r = r + 360;} if (Math.abs(r) >4) { if (vMag.z > 0) { if (r>0) { comQueue.push('U'); //try { controls.volumeUp();} catch (e) { } } else { comQueue.push('D'); } } else { if (r>0) { comQueue.push('P'); } else { comQueue.push('N'); } } //console.log('-------------'); if (!calibrated) {console.log('uncalibrated!');} //console.log('heading: ',Math.round(h)); //console.log('rotate: ',r); if (vMag.z > 0) { //console.log('upwards'); } else { //console.log('downwards'); } } oldh = h; }); } //calibrate by holding button down for 4 seconds calibrate() calibratedMag();
Reset to remove stop code
- Upload code via webIDE
My Bangle arrive a few days ago and it buzzes but not beep from the API I think I am also missing a piezo. I am very happy with the other features and have lots of app ideas!!