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Hey, y'all. I have the MDBT42Q breakout board and I am trying to create a simple example where a button is pressed and the stepper motor rotates for like a half revolution.
I am using the A4988 drivers and I have managed to connect and continuously rotate the stepper motor using this sample code:
const PIN_ENABLE = D14; const PIN_STEP = D13; const PIN_DIRECTION = D12; digitalWrite(PIN_DIRECTION, direction); digitalWrite(PIN_ENABLE, enabled); analogWrite(PIN_STEP, 0.9, {freq: 100});
I am not sure though how is it possible to count the steps per revolution and how frequency is related to rotation and time.
Thanks in advance for your help :) -
Hello y'all. I recently bought the MDBT42Q breakout board for quick prototyping as well as a few bare modules. As my prototype on the breadboards works, I want to design and order a few PCBs.
In the bare module documentation, it is noted that:
A 3v non-rechargeable lithium cell is ideal for this (LiPo batteries have a voltage that is too high and will need the voltage dropping with a diode or voltage regulator).x
I was hoping if someone has any examples of circuits powering the MDBT42Q module. My goal is creating a prototype with a LiPo charger on board via a USB port, so any help, schematics or advice will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Wow, @Gordon that was fast and damn awesome as well.
Thanks so much for the info, I'll give it a try and let you know :)