Avatar for user101316


Member since Jun 2019 • Last active Sep 2020
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    I discover today that Bluetooth range is different between Bangles.
    I tested my Bangles with same peace of software and same firmware and side by side one bangle detect and connect via bluetooth and the other one not. Very strange.....

    Maybe something related to the hardware or battery level of each Bangle or something else. I will continue made my tests. If I discover something new I post here. Until then if someone have something to say in order to help to understand/fix this, please be my guest.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Yes Gordon, it reconnects faster and helps a little bit. Thanks

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Bangle is amazing but Unfortunately Bangle Bluetooth signal is weak and could be an issue.

    I've being testing his range and I have seen that when BLE is connected the BLE range is far better than if it needs to establish a new connection at the same place and same distance.

    If you lose BLE signal it's very difficult to reconnect again, unless to put the Bangle near the Bluetooth antenna. But if is connected your can communicate with the pc.

    If there is any chance to make better the reconnect and the loss of connection then we can increase the range that way.

    Gordon said: "I guess there may be a way to increase the amount of dropped packets it'll tolerate before trying to close the connection." <--- Maybe its a good idea, but how can we do this?

    Any suggestions to control the ble connection, communication quality or other?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Thanks MaBe. It worked. :)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Hi Gordon, I create a .splash file into storage area with the simple code below:

    g.drawString("Hello",0,0); // 40px high in red
    g.drawString("World",40,40); // 40px high in green

    Image is only shown when I upload the code. After a reboot nothing is shown.

    I get the follow error below:
    Uncaught Error: Expecting first argument to a valid Image

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Thanks Gordon.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    Maybe it's a stupid idea but if was possible to reserve 5% of battery to keep date and time, could be great feature.
    95% to Operation - 5% to keep date and time

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user101316

    My bangle resets to 01-01-1970 date and 00:00 hour after a turn it off or when running out battery.

    First time I use it, I think after a turn off, bangle does not reset date and hour to 1970....

    Any chance to keep last date and hour between turn off and turn on or reboot....

    More Info: Last firmware installed

    Any thoughts about it?
