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Hello Gordon,
you rock!! I've review the wiring in this particular part and now it works great for me! I'm now able to plug the NRF24L01+ in on my Espruino with a bunch of female-to-female-wires.
One additional question: What are your experiences with range of NRF24L01+? How can you increase it?
Thank you very much,
The correct wiring:
NRF24L01+ Name Espruino Type 1 GND GND GND 2 3.3V 3.3 3.3v 3 CE A0 GPIO Out 4 CSN A1 GPIO Out 5 SCK B3 SPI SCK 6 MOSI B5 SPI MOSI 7 MISO B4 SPI MISO 8 IRQ unused GPIO In
Hello everybody,
the tutorial on "NRF24L01+" is not working for me:'s driving me crazy, because I always get the following message on the master:
>nrf.sendCommand("1+2", function(r) { print("=="+r); }); TX not received 255 TX not received 255 TX not received 255 =undefined
Any suggestion are welcomed very much, as I need an working NRF24L01+ for a futur project!
Thank you very much,
My connections:
NRF24L01+ Name Espruino Type 1 GND GND GND 2 3.3V 3.3 3.3v 3 CE A0 GPIO Out 4 CSN A1 GPIO Out 5 SCK B3 SPI SCK 6 MOSI B4 SPI MOSI 7 MISO B5 SPI MISO 8 IRQ unused GPIO In
My testcode:
SPI1.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5}); var nrf = require("NRF24L01P").connect( SPI1, A1, A0 ); function onInit() { nrf.init([0,0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0,2]); } function toggle1(){ on1=!on1; digitalWrite(LED1,on1); } onInit(); setInterval(function() { toggle1(); nrf.slaveHandler(); }, 50);
SPI1.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5}); var nrf = require("NRF24L01P").connect( SPI1, A1, A0 ); function onInit() { nrf.init([0,0,0,0,2], [0,0,0,0,1]); } onInit(); setInterval(function() { nrf.masterHandler(); }, 50);
Thanks for your feedback!
I've integrated the 32,768KHz quarz crystal in the code (newer version of the code). I use this for logging purpose. The reason why I'm logging via bluetooth is the easy integration and my love to the command line :-) and the bidirectional communication. You see how flexible the espruino is, because I could also log to a SDHC-card...
The signal has a range of around 10 to 15 meters, so enough for my flat.
Hi everyone,
as we have got a newborn, I've turned the Espruino in a intelligent temperatur sensor, which monitors the Babies temperature. If it exceeds a value of 37.5 degree Celsius, a visual and acoustic warning signal starts and helps the parents to prevent the baby from overheating.
The tutrial is in German, but on the side, a translation function is integrated:
I hope, that this is useful for others here.
Thank you Gordon! I'll try it out!