Member since Mar 2019 • Last active Jun 2019Most recent activity
I have an MDBT42q module. Trying to update the firmware before loading my code.
I've made several attempts on iOS and Android versions to perform a DFU using the nRF Toolbox app (the only way I know how to update the firmware). I consistently get the following error.
"Error: DFU Service not found"
I've always updated my boards using this method. Any ideas? Here's a few things I've already tried.
- Reset bluetooth
- Tried different devices
- Tried iOS and Android
- Toggled on/off "external MCP DFU" in settings.
- Reset bluetooth
Of course!
To clarify - this board pairs successfully to the IDE and the code is successfully uploaded. But when I then try to pair our iOS app to the board, the app can't find it over bluetooth. As I mentioned, every other board works fine, so it's not a problem with our app.
Happy to merge this with the other issue if it makes sense.
Thanks, @Gordon.
Unlikely that it's power since all the other boards were powered the same way, so it's good to know that it's probably not a hardware issue.
We do have a reset button. I can use it successfully with the short press to update the firmware, but the 5-second press doesn't work unless I'm able to connect the IDE and run reset(true) first. Of course I can't do that since it won't connect to the IDE.
Can you clarify what mean by "If that works then you really should be able to just hold it and boot without loading any of the saved code - and it should appear as MDBT42... again." - Is this different from holding it while I power it on for a hard reset?
I have tried uploading new firmware but that didn't change anything. Probably because we had 'save on send' set to flash - execute code at boot. even after reset.
Got it! Thanks so much @Ollie and @Gordon. I've done that before completely forgot about that.
Makes perfect sense on why it was designed like that.
Appreciate it!