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Member since Mar 2019 • Last active Sep 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Espruino Work
    Avatar for Skog

    Hi - Sanders - where you able to complete your project alright? - Skog

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Skog

    So — I was able to get it on track. It had to do with a combination of button presses on the watch. I am not sure it is wise to say I broke it if the issue came with the device, unless that is a vernacular click your getting into. The Adafruit app works alright for what does although the BBLE app for web bluetooth still wont connect for some reason. The bangle shows up on the iPad under devices however only one connection is allowed - it connects to the app and not the iPad or vice-versa

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Skog

    Sure - although the question is - has anyone else experienced the problem? There should just be a way to reset it to factory defaults

    Also I understood that to download firmware I still have to use Bluetooth.?


  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Skog

    When it arrived - the menu showed and the battery received power. After I turned off the communications from the menu (iPad not yet having arrived). I also turned off the welcome screen, and turned it back on from the menu - then it looped. So far nothing can happen. I am able to power it off through the button, and put it in set up mode (Ben1 & btn2) however the blue tooth does not appear in the device list when blue tooth is turned on with the receiving unit (IPad)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Skog

    Ok, sorry for the delay = it was only the emulator I was able work on.

    So the issue is I have to get a Blue Tooth app for my iPad

    However having stated it, the welcome screen keeps looping without being able to get the menu.

    So far I have not done anything except plug in the power (USB only)


  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Skog

    do you know when we will be able to use the USB portion if the IDE for uploading the bootloader or basic apps? I can not use the Bluetooth on my web browser ot upload. I am able to log on to the IDE and talk to the device fine. For somereason I can not get the menu to appear. The welcome app keeps repeating, and I can re-set it using the buttons however I can not get it past the repeating welcoming message even if I upload a new clock. Also the clock appearance does not show from the command line - E.showMenu();

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for Skog


    the > of the code simply sends the command. I switched it to = and found i received an echo - only it was inside the VT - it did not get its info from the device. --btw 96 is an abbreviated condition for 9600 bps, however your observation about it being a USB could be correct because the rate can be anything for sending the command. So i wonder if the VT has to be configured for a USB? Is there away to make it trainable to work with Espruino? I will probably avoid using Python and stay with the straight forward VT/or/VS

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for Skog

    the DOS pass command is where the problem lays. My echo inside the IDE is working fine. However I can not see anything from the Espruino with Command Prompt - i can only call the command (one way)

    @Wilberforce, it frees up access to talk with other devices.

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for Skog

    So it seems i was able to send a command to the Pico from the Command Prompt in Windows 10. However the echo response does not occur. So the command is able to execute fine and it appears, however without a functioning echo, the return equations are not visible, only the hardware that has adjusted from the command

    here is what i have so far:

    C:\>echo LED2.set() > \\:\COM4

    this does in fact turn on LED 2. however i get no response to the prompt. If i change the command to 1+3
    i dont see the =4 until i attach the device to the WEB IDE

    i have also used:

    C:\>mode Com4: 96,N,8,1

    to set the baud rate. which after i can confirm with


    that is correct
