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@Gordon, I'm using Taiyo Yudens ble 5 evaluation board with nRF52832 chip.
Please refer me a link for whitelist.
Thanks for your valuable time on this!!
@Gordon, it still gives the same result.
I could not see a data value that starts with "manufacturerData"
I'm using the below code snippet.
setInterval(function (devices) { console.log(NRF.findDevices(print, {active:true})); }, 5000);
Please advise , what am I missing
@Gordon, I'm pretty sure that the manufacturer data is not in the packet since, I could not find the byte '0xff' that indicates the manufacturerData.
Gordon by the way , you are right. It is an active scan. I have been searching on doing an active scan using ESPRUINO
Let me try what you have suggested.
Thanks Again!!
@Gordon Thanks again for the quick reply there!!
I'm using ESPRUINO version - v201
please refer the attachment.
There is another scenario where I could get manufacturer data from a ruuvi tag.
But not this device alone.
Hello Everyone!!
I have been trying to get advertisement data from a custom ble device(with nRF52832 chip) that has been advertising ambient pressure every 5 minutes.
When I use the below code snippet ,
// Start scanning packets=10; NRF.setScan(function(d) { packets--; if (packets<=0) NRF.setScan(); // stop scanning else console.log(d); // print packet info }); I could get the following BluetoothDevice: { "id": "90:6d:0f:4b:89:b4 public", "rssi": -76, "data": new Uint8Array([x, x, x, xx, x, x, x, x, x, x, xxx, xxx, xx, xxx, xxx, xx, xxx, x, xx, xxx, xx, x, x, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx]).buffer, "shortName": "xxxxxxxx", "services": [ "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" ] }
But I could not get the manufacturerData that has been advertised, which can be seen in "nRF Connect" mobile application.
Simply I could not get the manufacturerData of 30 bytes, which is again shown in Raw data: part in mobile app.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks @Gordon for the quick reply there!!
Let me try your suggestion and get back
Hello Everyone!!
I have been trying to load the firmware from here ( into Taiyo Yuden's Evaluation board - EBSHJN with nRF52832 with no success.
Method of loading:
I am using Segger Embedded studio to get this done and getting the below error
Thanks for your inputs. I have successfully implemented a back to back scan to get this done!!