Avatar for Barney


Member since Nov 2018 • Last active Feb 2019
  • 1 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Barney

    ok got it. It seems the connection baud rate is to low :-) got it on 115200 from 9600 and now it works.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Barney

    i tried the V2.0 and the cutting edge 2.00.94.
    The IDE Version is 0.70.6 on Windows 10 as Chrome App.

    I recieve weird symbols on the left side of my ide like: "§€²˜ uã(»¸aø".

    And the Console Log is:

    Set Slow Write = true
    [object Object]
    Connected [object Object]
    ERROR: RECEIVE ERROR: {"connectionId":1,"error":"frame_error"}
    Disconnect callback...
    WARNING: [notify_warn] Disconnected
    Got ""
    No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out
    Still no prompt - issuing another Ctrl-C
    WARNING: No result found for "process.env" - just got ""
    ERROR: [notify_error] Unable to retrieve board information. Connection Error?
    Device found {"bitrate":9600,"bufferSize":4096,"connectionId":1,"ctsFlowControl":false,"dataBits":"eight","name":"","parityBit":"no","paused":false,"persistent":false,"receiveTimeout":0,"sendTimeout":0,"stopBits":"one"}
    [success] Connected to COM9 (No response from board)
    Connected to COM9 (No response from board)

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Barney

    I am unable to connect to the esp32 with the web ide.
    Just shows up:

    Connected to COM9 (No response from board)

    Putty works very well but it shows a warning:

    WARNING: setsockopt(SO_REUSPORT) failed
