Avatar for César


Member since Aug 2018 • Last active Nov 2018
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for César

    Hi Gordon,

    Unfortunatelly my Spruino Wifi just died today. I connected it to the 5V USB port of my computer and flashed the firmware to have a clean system and do some tests. It was very hot. After 10 minutes it switched off and never came back.

    Voltage of the USB port is normal and I also tryed other 5V wall adaptors.

    I probably did something wrong while playing with the voltage divider, maybe I applied 12V directly to a pin, or made a short, don't know. I must say that it has survived many other mistakes I made (as I am learning electronics) so the board is pretty strong and this is absolutelly not a complain.

    Just in case it is interesting to you, this is the info I have:

    Before dying, I measured 88ºC at the regulator and 50ºC at the chip. The system booted and worked right, maybe a bit slow, but the wifi and my http server worked. Digital pin outputs also worked.

    While feeding with 5V, the 350 mA power draw was continuous with Wifi on. I remember that I measured 150 mA before the day it started to get hot, so I think that the heat came from the extra 200 mA.
    While feeding it with 3.3V, power draw was 280 mA with Wifi, less temperature but still high.

    When it died nothing else was connected to pins and system was clean, no programs, but heat and power consumption was the same.

    Thanks for your support!

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for César


    I have been doing tests to detect 12V voltages with my Espruino Wifi, using a voltage divider with resistors. Since today, as soon as I connect it, it gets very hot. Probably I've done something wrong and broke something inside. It works, but after a few seconds or minutes it resets.

    I feed it with a 5V USB adapter, and I have tried another adapters. I have measured the consumption and it's around 350 mA, more than double the normal.

    Could it be because I broke some internal component? Is there anything I can do to check or solve it? (apart from buying another, what I will do)

    What can I do to avoid it next time? Could it have been through a pin, or through the power supply/GND?

    Many thanks!

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    Interesting, I will definitely check that method, thanks Gordon

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    ok! I will check it.

    now, how can I combine Telnet with an http server? It doesn't work, and I think I read about that only one server can be created.

    Is there another solution?, ¿could websockets work?

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    yes it works!

    now I can send new code from IDE via wifi :D thanks Gordon.

    One last thing: First I could not send code because I had the option to "Reset before Send" active. Could you modify the IDE to ignore that option if sending via wireless?

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    Ok, I removed the data event.

    Now, on connecting I get a lot of garbage, something like:

    ▒ ▒ ▒▒''▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'▒' ▒▒' ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'▒' ▒▒' ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'▒' ▒▒' ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'▒' ▒▒'▒▒▒▒▒▒'
    ▒▒▒'▒▒'   ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'   ▒▒'   ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'   ▒▒'   ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'   ▒▒'   ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒'   ▒▒'

    I also modified the try/catch block like this:

        } catch(e){
          USB.write("LoopbackB.setConsole(): " + e.type + " " + e.message + " " + e.stack);

    and on connecting putty, the IDE shows the "setDeviceClockCmd" error, so it's still there.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    Hi Steffer,

    I put the try/catch but it was the same, terminal does not respond.

    This is my code

    function initTelnet(){
      console.log('Init Telnet');
      require("net").createServer(function(socket) {
        console.log('Telnet client connected');
        socket.on('error', function(err){
        /*socket.on('data', function(data) {
          //just a test to verify connection
          //USB.write("client says " + data);
        socket.on('close', function() {
        } catch(e){
    function onInit() {
      console.log("Init Wifi");
      wifi = require("Wifi");
      wifi.connect("................", {password : ".................."}, function(err) {
        console.log("Wifi Connected");

    When connecting with putty I see:

    <- USB

    and nothing else, no response to commands.

    EDITED the code to remove the ondata event

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for César

    Same problem here, I am trying to create a remote Telnet connection, similar code as the first post from Steffen, but it doesn't work.

    I have Spruino Wifi 1.99 and connect to port 23 with Putty.

    If I send something like:


    I see it in Putty, but the terminal does not respond to my keys.

    If I set an event like:

    conn.on('data', function(data) {
          USB.write('client says: ', data);

    The text entered on putty is printed on the IDE, so the connection is working.

    Maybe Loopbacks are not working?

    Thanks Gordon
