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Member since Aug 2018 • Last active Feb 2020
  • 2 conversations

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  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Yes, sure.

    I want to develop ESP-Now gateway, based on this work
    Using espnow, it is possible to develop battery-powered devices for sensors,
    using less IP-address devices.

    For the gateway, I use 2 ESP8266, one is for connection with the esp-now network,
    and the other is for connection to the internet via wifi. For the first device, I use arduino IDE,
    while for the second device, I use espruino.
    Communication between devices is using UART. Now, both device is using hardware serial.
    I use ESP-07.


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Yes, i use 2v01.49

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    I found this issue :

    I inject this instruction : LoopbackA.setConsole(), via mqtt protocol to the device,
    then the serial data is coming to the server app.

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Hello @MaBe,

    The problem of using software serial is the success rate of serial data. It is very low, only 30%, we get the proper data, although using a low baud rate at 4800. While using the hardware serial, we get more than 90% success rate. So, I discontinue using software serial.

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Is there any instruction that can be executed by the ESP8266 to change the REPL console to connect over TCP/IP ?

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Hello @MaBe,

    Yes, I have tried using software serial, but the serial data is not reliable, although I set the baud-rate at 4800. And, after one or 3 hours, the ESP8266 will crash.

    Using hardware serial, the data is more reliable. However, after disconnection over tcp/ip,
    there is no data coming from the device, as seen in a server application.
    I use MQTT protocol to send data from device to the server.


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman


    I attach a serial device to the Serial1 on ESP8266.
    To retain the connection of the serial device, I put a code of

    function onInit() {

    at the begining of the program.

    However, data from the serial device can't be obtained.
    But, if we connect the ESP8266 using TCP in espruino web IDE, then
    the data from the serial device has appeared.

    Is there any instruction that can activate the serial device connection ?


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    Hello @allObjects,

    What is espruino version do you use ?
    Previously, I used espruino_2v00.17 on ESP-07. It was periodically crashed.
    Changed to espruino_1v99, using the same script code, it is no problem.

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for maman

    var MAX485_DE = D12;
    var RXPIN = D13;
    var TXPIN = D14;
    var Serial3 = new Serial();
    Serial3.setup(9600, {rx:RXPIN,tx:TXPIN, parity:'even'});
    Serial1.setup(9600, {parity:'even'});
