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Clicking on any of these modules, they are hardware module.For example: -
Thanks Gordon .
The below are hardware modules and not a software module? right? my point is that, irrespective of using Java or C/C++, these hardware module are good collections to use in many applications and some of these hardware can have low-power consumption.
Existing Modules
•433.92Mhz Transmitter and Receiver
•ADNS5050 Optical Mouse Sensor
•ADS1x15 programmable gain ADC
•ADS7843 Touchscreen
•ADXL335 Accelerometer
•ADXL345 Accelerometer
•AT Command Handler
•Analog RGB LED Control
•Arduino Pico adaptor board
•BH1750 I2C Light Sensor
•BMP Loader Module
•BMP085/BMP180 digital pressure sensor
•CAP1188 capacitive touch breakout
•CC3000 WiFi Module
•CMUcam5 Pixy
•Charlieplexed LED Module
•Clock Module
•DHT11 Temperature and RH Sensor
•DHT22/AM230x/RHT0x Temperature and RH Sensor
•DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
•DS3231 RTC
•Date Module -
For the Seeed Wio LTE understanding is that it is an LTE IoT module that can work in the US.
1- Do I need to buy a SIM card for using it with a Mobile operator in US?
2- How can I know whether the mobile operator (AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint) is supporting the LTE IoT? -