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Member since Dec 2017 • Last active Nov 2024
  • 4 conversations

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    Avatar for Konkery

    Thanks for the clarification!
    Nevertheless, I will clarify the situation a little. In the current version of the Espruino firmware, for example, the STM32F407 can theoretically work with external PSRAM memory, but there is no corresponding setting of the FSMC controller in the current Espruino code? Therefore, Espruino will not pick up PSRAM from the "box", did I understand correctly?
    It turns out that in the STM32L496GDISCOVERY debugging board, for which there is also an Espruino firmware and for which an approximate number of variables is specified - "19200", this amount is obtained only due to the SRAM built into the STM32 and in this firmware, external PSRAM memory is also not available, although it is soldered on the debugging board, did I understand correctly?

  • in Other Boards
    Avatar for Konkery

    Hi !
    I join the question! I am also very interested in the possibility of using external SRAM/SRAM memory on STM32 controllers of the F405,427,429 series, running Espruino.
    I think @MarkBloom is mistaken about the possibility to apply QSPI memory on the F405 F407 series, as far as I know there is only the possibility to apply parallel PSRAM/SRAM memory. I am also very interested in the possibility of expanding FLASH memory by connecting it via the parallel interface of the FSMC memory controller? Are you interested in the possibility of simultaneous operation of PSRAM and FLASH in Espruino? Will the execution environment see PSRAM and FLASH? Will the files on this extended memory be visible from the Espruino Web IDE?
    As for @fanoush's comment, I suppose this is a special case, I also met many successful C++ projects on the STM32 series below STM32H7, which is discussed in the article 'Why you should fall in love with the RP2350' from @Dmitry.GR .
    The STM32H7 crystals are significantly more complex than the F4xx series.
    @Gordon please comment on the question!

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    doesn't anyone know? or is there no such possibility ?

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    How can I get a list of all available module Pins in the program ?

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Konkery
      "VERSION": "1v96.43",
      "GIT_COMMIT": "c975a9a",
      "BOARD": "ISKRAJS",
      "FLASH": 1048576, "RAM": 196608,
      "SERIAL": "3b004900-07513535-31393131",
      "CONSOLE": "USB",
      "MODULES": "Flash,Storage,fs," ... "t,crypto,neopixel",
      "EXPORTS": { "jsvLockAgainSafe": 105081, "jsvUnLock": 105055, "jsvSkipName": 111873, "jsvMathsOp": 91429,
        "jsvNewWithFlags": 105193, "jsvNewFromFloat": 105361, "jsvNewFromInteger": 105397, "jsvNewFromString": 110413, "jsvNewFromBool": 105381,
        "jsvGetFloat": 112097, "jsvGetInteger": 111285, "jsvGetBool": 112657, "jspReplaceWith": 29177, "jspeFunctionCall": 80681,
        "jspGetNamedVariable": 80505, "jspGetNamedField": 85101, "jspGetVarNamedField": 84825 },
      "EXPTR": 536871104 }
  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Konkery

    The reason is clearly established, it is in firmware 1v96.43,
    it doesn't work in her.
    To change the firmware at the moment I can not, the Board is not original (Amperka). Checked it on the original Board version 2v01
    there the code is executed correctly.
    I will wait for the firmware update.
    Thanks everyone !

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Konkery

    It is similar that in version 1v96.43 it does not work...

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Konkery

    Console conclusion at implementation of your code:

        ____       __
       /  _/_____ / /__ _____ ____ _
       / / / ___// //_// ___// __ `/
     _/ / (__  )/ ,<  / /   / /_/ /
    /___//____//_/|_|/_/    \__,_/
    Based on Espruino 1v96.43
    (c) 2018 G.Williams, Amperka LLC
    Support the work of core developers:
    Uncaught Error: Function "asyncFuncA" not found!
     at line 1 col 7
    in function called from system