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Cool, I have an original Espruino (Rev 11.3b). I tried
in the terminal yes. I swear this wasn't working yesterday but I think the code is on the board because when I've plugged in the micro usb the lights came on automatically. However, when I plug in a battery (9v) nothing happens. I'll update to use neopixel, thanks! And will try the on-board LEDs too! Thanks! -
I'm using a string of LED lights and creating various 'modes' I wan't to change to when clicking button 1. All works fine, but when I attach a battery everything freezes. Then when I try and save, then reattach to power nothing happens.
What I need is a way for the battery to be attached and functionality to remain. I'm looking at documentation but getting confused. I am a Noob with this! Thanks in advance!
SPI2.setup({ baud: 3200000, mosi: B15 }); /* * Config */ const totalLEDs = 25; /* * Light Arrays */ const offLights = (function () { var lights = new Array(totalLEDs * 3); lights.fill(0); return lights; }()); const duskDawnLights = (function () { var lights = []; for (var i = 0; i < totalLEDs; i++) { lights.push(255, 10, 10); } return lights; }()); const daylights = (function () { var lights = []; for (var i = 0; i < totalLEDs; i++) { lights.push(150, 255, 255); } return lights; }()); const randomFireLights = (function () { var colours = [ [255, 0, 0], [255, 10, 10], [200, 10, 0], [180, 5, 10], [150, 20, 0], [130, 20, 0], ]; return () => { var lights = []; for (var i = 0; i < totalLEDs; i++) { lights = lights.concat(colours[Math.floor(Math.random() * colours.length)]); } return lights; }; }()); /* * Light algorithms/functions */ const playFireLights = () => { setInterval(() => { updateLEDLights(randomFireLights()); }, 75); }; const playOffLights = () => updateLEDLights(offLights); const playDuskDawnLights = () => updateLEDLights(duskDawnLights); const playDaylights = () => updateLEDLights(daylights); /* * LED light controls */ function updateLEDLights(lights) { SPI2.send4bit(lights, 0b0001, 0b0011); } /* * Utils */ function getLightTransitionValues(lightsFrom, lightsTo) { var transitionLights = []; for (var i = 0; i < lightsFrom.length; i++) { if (lightsFrom[i] < lightsTo[i]) { transitionLights[i] = lightsFrom[i] + 1; } else if (lightsFrom[i] > lightsTo[i]) { transitionLights[i] = lightsFrom[i] - 1; } else { transitionLights[i] = lightsTo[i]; } } return transitionLights; } function lightsAreEqual(a, b) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } const transitionLightValues = (function () { let transitionInterval = null; return function (from, to) { if (transitionInterval) { return transitionInterval; } let tempLights = from; transitionInterval = setInterval(function () { tempLights = getLightTransitionValues(tempLights, to); updateLEDLights(tempLights); if (lightsAreEqual(tempLights, to)) { clearInterval(); transitionInterval = null; } }, 100); }; }()); setWatch((function () { const states = [playDuskDawnLights, playDaylights, playFireLights, playDuskDawnLights, playOffLights, ]; let currentStateIndex = 0; return () => { clearInterval(); interval = states[currentStateIndex](); currentStateIndex = (currentStateIndex + 1 >= states.length) ? 0 : currentStateIndex + 1; }; }()), BTN, { edge: 'rising', repeat: true, debounce: 10 });
Javascript engineer