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I thought that must be it... but I moved the setWatch to pin 27, connecting with the + of the battery.
When all I have is the two wires, the setWatch works perfectly responsive. But as soon as the serial is connected to D29, D30, D31 and a switch signal coming from D1 and D2, things go wrong.
Even when I havent declared any serial, just the presence of the other connection interferes with the contact setWatch.. It responds, but sluggish, and it misses some disconnections.
Powering on the serial device also triggers the setWatch.
this is all the code.
clearWatch(); clearInterval(); digitalWrite(D1,0); digitalWrite(D2,0); pinMode(D27, "input_pulldown"); // do check on lost contact setWatch(function() { sendAlert(); }, D27, { repeat: true, edge: 'falling', debounce: 50 }); function sendAlert(){ console.log("Contact lost"); }
I have a phone module connected.
I also have a setWatch on a port where i look for a loss of contact between D27 and D28:
digitalWrite(D27,1); pinMode(D28, "input_pulldown"); setWatch(function() { sendAlert(); }, D28, { repeat: true, edge: 'falling', debounce: 50 });
The serial connection over D29, D30 and D31 seems to set off the contact watch. There is no soldering on the board that could be causing a short, just an unpowered serial device
maybe it more the console not keeping up. When I light up a LED on every lost contact it seems to ok..
Anyway, good to know it shouldn't keep D28 high, thanks