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Member since Jul 2017 • Last active Dec 2023
  • 8 conversations

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  • in JavaScript
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    Sounds like you need a CORS proxy. If you don't already have a server to play with, I would recommend signing up for a free Cloudflare account and then setting up a worker with the attached code. I took one of their samples and simplified it a bit and I think you get 100,000 requests a day for free.

    The attached code is running under a worker I just setup so that you can test to see if it solves your issue. Just remember to URL encode your NOAA API url before you paste it into the url query string param.


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    I noticed I can apply 5v to power the MDBT42 w/breakout board, but all of the pins are only 3.3v tolerant. I believe the answer is "no issue" but is there any issue if I use a 5v power supply to power the breakout board and a couple 9g servos. Then use pins D14-D18 as the signal pins for the servos.

    Sorry for the dumb question. Normally I just use the wifi board where it's all 5v tolerant so I never gave it a thought before. But now I'm second guessing myself with this board. I just want to make sure that having the pins connected to servos that are being powered by 5V wont cause an issue for the board before I go powering things up.

    Thanks for your help!

  • in Projects
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    Thats awesome. Thanks Gordon!

  • in Projects
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    I organized the code like that because my original plan was to deploy the different displays over the web using websockets and http requests. But I'm still working through some issues with that approach  because it's too easy to break things and a bit harder to debug remotely.

    As for the grid, I went with black to limit the light blending between squares.  I was trying to get a crisp square "pixel" look, which I think the black achieved pretty well.   Having a more transparent grid would probably soften the look, which is also nice especially for more ambient displays.

    I'm sure I could create a randomly generated flame effect but for that I would probably need to leverage the graphics library.  I went with a simpler (to me) approach of mapping the matrix to an almost paint-by-numbers array.  I did this because originally I was going to have my kids come up with some pixel art .... yeah they lost interest before I was able to get it in-place. :)   While the array method makes it easier to visualize what will be displayed, it's slower for the microcontroller to render.  

    I did see some of your posts when I was searching around. Very cool stuff. I like the post where you and Gordon discuss the inline C and Graphics approaches. The C stuff is very cool.  To be honest, I need to sit with those a bit more and play around. I get it more when dealing with LCDs but I'm not quite putting 2 and 2 together on how the Graphics library works with a 16x16 neopixel matrix to draw some sort of pixel art without having to code up a ton of drawline function calls. I just need to get familiar with it. 

    Thanks for checking out the project!

  • in Projects
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    Hey all,

    My daughter was looking at LED displays on Amazon. Instead of buying one, I decide to build her a 16x16 LED frame. I have a couple example apps / displays written up and am working on another that pulls data in from the web that drives the display.

    If anyones interested, I posted a little how-to over on Make:Projects and the code is up on Github.

    How-to: https://makeprojects.com/project/lumiius-led-matrix

    Repo: https://github.com/robotictheater/lumiius

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
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    Sorry I was actually looking to delete the post. Right after I posted, I realized it was a stupid question and I didn't want to waste anyones time with it. :)

    It's still happening and but I can live with it and like you said just work around the failures when they happen.

    Sorry about the post.
