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@Gordon got it to work. With the externa led My leads didn’t touch the metal.
@Gordon Hmm it kind of works, but I need to be 10cm from it. The d30/d31 does not work. I have the short one in the d31. Do I need a resistor? Any ideas?
Thanks @Gordon, that is what I like to call good customer service!
Hi, thank you @Gordon, I’m using 2.05 firmware and My puck was bought several years ago so I guess it’s the first version? didn’t know there was a new one
Hello im trying to send a signal from my puckjs with an external ir led to a remote controlled fan. I tried the tutorial with capturing data from the remote control and got some values to my ir receiver . I tried the ordinary built in IR but it did not work i tried to capture the signal with another puck but it sends no signal. I have attached my code. What pins should i use for the ir led? i have used d30 and d31.
Any ideas?
Im trying to broadcast ble data with the esp32. But its not implemented yet the console informs me. Didnt you guys say it worked now?
var high = 0.5; var low = 0.0; function map_value(val, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max){ var result = (val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; if(result < out_min) { return out_min; } else if(result > out_max) { return out_max; } return result; } function onTimer() { var h = analogRead(D35); var hp = map_value(h, low, high, 0, 100); var percentage = hp.toFixed(0)+"%"; NRF.setServices({ 0xBCDE : { 0xABCD : { value : percentage, readable : true } } }); console.log("Soil moister", percentage); } // Update soil moister every 2 seconds setInterval(onTimer, 2000); // Update soil moister immediately onTimer();
Soil moister 0% WARNING: has connected not implemented yet
Webdeveloper and happy family guy.