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Member since Mar 2017 • Last active Apr 2017
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    It would be good if you could answer a few questions from the London tech community, as many developers code in Javascript and would like to get started with IoT.

    Power consumption. The battery on the RN2483 will not last very long unless one alters the code to optimise power consumption. http://www.microchip.com/forums/m913217.aspx

    Still, others seem to be having a success creating javascript only solutions with Puck.js. http://www.tele2iot.com/pr-solution-prevent-diesel-theft-won-tele2-iot-challenge/
    But not all problems can be solved with a puck.

  • in Interfacing
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    Are you ever in London for say, IoT meetups?

  • in Interfacing
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    Right. So you wouldn't purchase an Espruino Wifi with a RN2483 because the RN2483 is for LoRa.

  • in Interfacing
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    Thanks for your quick replies. I will order a Pico today.

    It seems that if one uses the RN2483, they still have to programme it in Arduino Sketch. So, they don't actually simplify development to one language(javascript). For example, I need to conserve power as my device will be out in the field. I will still have to use Arduino Sketch to configure the RN2483 to wake up only say, twice per day.

    Perhaps the only way to just use Javascript is if I buy a SX1276/77/78/79 LoRa Module? But these modules do not appear to be production ready. Perhaps I am missing something?

    Also, why would someone choose the Espruino WiFi when they are connecting via LoRa? "If you're using this breakout board then you can place it in breadboard alongside an Espruino Pico or WiFi, making sure it connects as follows..."

    Finally, Things Connected have a step by step guide for the RN2483 which you might find interesting https://www.thingsconnected.net/support/#step-1_4

  • in Interfacing
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    How would I connect to a LoRaWan network using javascript?

    I currently have an RN2483 from Microchip. We also have access to Everynet base stations here in London.

    Any suggestions?

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    Avatar for user75003

    Hi Gordon,

    Have you used Espruino with LoRa?

    "Semtech's SX1276 chip is a revolutionary new chip enabling wireless communications at distances up to 15km" https://www.espruino.com/SX127x
