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Thanks Gordon. I've tried the 5v and 3.3v supply & GND is connected ok I believe. I've tried the other SPI ports, so I suspect it maybe the card. What should I connect SDA pin (on the RFID board) to? Your original page says B2 but I think that's not an accessible pin.
The image shows how I originally wired it up.
I've ordered another card (red board) so I'll see how that fares when it arrives.
Thanks guys for your help. As expected, taking the comment out didn't help. The RFID board is the same greenish-looking one on the module demo page. I've seen other red-coloured variants of this board that doesn't seem to have the SDA pin (not sure what this is for anyway).
Yes, I will try looking at the source file for the module's include and see what I can find (I may try another board too). I may also try pull-up resistors on the SPI lines.
Thanks alot for your assistance.
I've upgraded my pico to the latest firmware 2.01, and testing the MFRC522 NFC/RFID module that came with the kickstarter geek kit. I've tried running the test code on this page and another and finding I'm getting some kind of runtime error.
Uncaught Error: MFRC522 Request Error 254 at line 1 col 189 ...("MFRC522 Request Error "+a);a=this.r(20);return this.ra(18,... ^ in function "req" called from line 1 col 34 this.w(26,7);return 0<this.req(38).length ^ in function "isNewCard" called from line 1 col 16 this.isNewCard()&&a(this.getCardSerial()) ^ in function "findCards" called from line 6 col 3 }); ^ in function called from system
I'm running this test code
SPI1.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5 }); var nfc = require("MFRC522").connect(SPI1, B1/*CS*/); setInterval(function() { nfc.findCards(function(card) { print("Found card"); }); }, 1000);
I wonder if anyone else has come across this issue?
Michael. -
Thanks @Gordon for that - sorry for the delay - I needed to test this over a couple of days to make sure this worked, and it does. A small suggestion on your DS3231 page - you mention "optional option (DST) object" but it's not clear whether the default (if option is not set) goes to DST enabled or not. Is the default now DST = false if the optional value is not passed in at initialisation time? Perhaps it's worthwhile to update that page to make that clear. Anyway, thanks again for the update.
I'm wondering if someone has done this (added a crystal to the Pico) and is willing to share a pic or diagram of where the crystal goes on the board? I've found the Kickstarter Pico v1.3 to not be good with the internal interval (e.g. 1000ms setIntervals are not always accurate) so if I can overcome this with an external crystal, it's worthwhile.
I have the Pico, and setup an Adafruit DS3231 board with it. I used the info on this page. I am confused about the point:
To set the day. The day is required so that the clocks move forwards
and backwards for daylight saving in the UK. Please note that you need
to call the readDateTime function at least every second for this to
work.rtc.setDow("day of the week")
At initial setup, I set the Dow to be the day e.g. ("Friday") and set the date and time per that page.
Is setting Dow a requirement? I'm in Australia in a non-daylight saving location. I wonder if setting this is causing an issue I've noticed recently with the time, i.e. when I check the time after running the device & battery-backed RTC over a long period (e.g. 3 days continuously) I found the time is one hour out (shows one hour earlier than the true time). Has anyone else seen this issue?
Sorry I forgot to mention originally that I had tried using B1 (wired it to SDA - B1 is 4th from the right on the top row of pins in the photo). It may be worth to update the doc (to specify B1 for pico & B2 for original for SDA)? I also tried tying SDA to hi or lo, and in all cases I'm getting spurious emissions of the error I mentioned. I will try another card, and report back. Thanks for your help.