Avatar for Phando


Member since Feb 2017 • Last active May 2017
  • 2 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Phando

    Currently I am using the web IDE and an ESP32.
    I have been unable to import http, wifi or any modules. Any time I call setWatch, I have to re-flash my chip. How do I go about using the ESP32 tree from github mentioned above?

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for Phando

    I am working with espruino and an ESP32. I am getting "module http not found" Do I need to do something to include that module? I am kind of dead in the water without http and https capabilities. My chip needs to call home.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Phando

    Good advise, thank you!
    Any thoughts on getting a setWatch to work? Since posting I have been querying the pins on an interval of 10ms.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Phando

    Erase_flash got me back on track! But my real issue remains, why does adding setWatch cause my chip to go into an unusable state?

    Sorry for the double post from the Gitter board.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Phando

    My esp32 seems to be bricked. Each time I boot, it spits out the text from the attached file and finishes with HALTING. I have tried re-flashing the chip, but the code causing the issue is still on there. Is there a way to clear out the code section of the chip?

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Phando

    Like a charm, thanks!

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Phando

    Today I flashed one of my ESP32s with the espurino firmware. I am limping along and seeing signs of life. I don't see an ESP32 board.json file in the default directory. Should I be pointing somewhere else? My question is, how do I reference my pins? GPIO12, GPIO_12, PIN12?


  • in ESP32
    Avatar for Phando

    With the update I am ready to take the esrpuino plunge on my ESP32. Previously I have only used it for light weight development on the Esp8266. The chip will still have I2C, UART, PWM and control neopixels night? Do I need to find js libraries instead of C libraries for special operations?
