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Member since Dec 2016 • Last active Apr 2017
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  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for Eduard

    Got it. So, to use your code as is, I'll need to get Espruino board instead of my Arduino one. Alternatively, I would need to adapt your code to somehow work on my laptop in Node.js environment. I guess something like SerialPort that would transfer raw data that Arduino board gets through I2C interface. And then apply your calculations to result from SerialPort.
    I am very new to this and appreciate your help.

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for Eduard

    I am trying to use LSM9DS1 with JavaScript. My setup is Sparkfun LSM9DS1 connected to Arduino, and then connected via Serial port to a laptop. I have node.js on a laptop. I tried Johnny-five, but it does not support LSM9DS1. Your code seems to be the only JavaScript code for that IMU.
    Any advise on getting it to work on my current setup?
