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So now i'm using 1mb and formatted it... but what i get now is that doesn't find any library from modules folder in project directory and even other libraries that should be present already in the firmware... the error i get is:
var nfc = require("PN532").connect(I2C1); WARNING: Module "PN532" not found Uncaught Error: Unable to mount media : NO_FILESYSTEM at line 1 col 26 var nfc = require("PN532").connect(I2C1);
then i format with:
and what i get is:
WARNING: Module "PN532" not found Uncaught Error: Could not open file : NO_PATH at line 1 col 30 var mqtt = require("PN532").create(server, {
what is it happening??
i got this problem with microsd card reader ... when putting this simple code:SPI1.setup({mosi:D23, miso:D19, sck:D18}); E.connectSDCard(SPI1, D5); console.log(require("fs").readdirSync());
i get:
Uncaught Error: Unimplemented on Linux at line 1 col 25 E.connectSDCard(SPI1, D5); ^ Uncaught Error: Unable to mount media : NO_FILESYSTEM at line 1 col 39 console.log(require("fs").readdirSync()); =undefined
i followed this schema: i followed this schema: tried with fat32 filesystem, i tried with ext3
i tried changing pins to free pins ... with software spi
nothing... at all
always same errorplease someone help me
Can someone help me understand how to implement SIM800L on NodeMCU 1.0?!
I connected:- pin rx from sim800 to tx of NodeMCU,
- pin tx from sim800 to rx of NodeMCU,
- vcc from sim800 to 3.3v of NodeMCU,
- gnd from sim800 to gnd of NodeMCU,
- rst from sim800 to D5 of NodeMCU
Then i got this code:
var wifi = require('Wifi'); var esp = require('ESP8266'); var sim = require('SIM900'); wifi.connect("...........", {password:'...............'}, function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connected to wifi"); console.log(wifi.getIP().ip); }); var gprs = sim.connect(Serial1, D5, function(err) { if (err) throw err; gprs.connect('', '', '', function(err) { if (err) throw err; gprs.getIP(function(err, ip) { if (err) throw err; console.log('IP:' + ip); require("http").get("", function(res) { console.log("Response: ",res); res.on('data', function(d) { console.log("--->"+d); }); }); }); }); });
I got console stopping to work.
I even thought that as NodeMCU is connected to usb and maybe tx and rx of NodeMCU somehow conflict with usb then i changed on code "serial1" to serial2 or serial3 but nothing.
Then as i thought about the conflict i connected and saved wifi so that i can connect to NodeMCU through wifi for IDE and then send serial connect on next reboot but nothing.
Well ... can someone tell me how it works please?
Thanks - pin rx from sim800 to tx of NodeMCU,
Ok... i just realized that i can't require on the left side of the espruino IDE... that was the problem...
but i still get an error sometimes and sometimes not on trying to make this rfid work: