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I have some issues sending consecutive https requests.
In my case a request is send after a short timeout after the previous request is finished.
This goes well for some time, but after a few cycles there is an error:. . . . . Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... Verifying peer X.509 certificate... Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... Verifying peer X.509 certificate... Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_setup: Not enough memory ERROR: Unable to create socket
Before I did not use a callback function, since the reference says it is optional.
With the callback you provided it worked without any issue.
Thanks again @Gordon !
Cheers -
Thanks for the fast answer @Gordon.
Unfortunately both solutions do not seem to work for me.I get the following errors:
>Uncaught Error: Field or method "registerLine" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined at line 1 col 13293 ...ted',function(a){}),'WIFI DISCONNECT',f...
Uncaught Error: Function "a" not found! at line 1 col 165 ...ce(15,-1);else if("OK"==d){a(null,b);return}return h} ^ in function "b" called from line 1 col 25 d=void 0;var f;b&&(f=b(a))?(d=p,b=f):clearTimeout(e);void 0=... ^ in function "d" called from line 1 col 324 ...c&&(e[c](k),n=!0);n||d&&d(k)}a=a.substr(f+1);"\n"==a[0]&&(a=... ^ in function called from system Uncaught Error: Function "a" not found! at line 1 col 15 if(void 0===d)a("Timeout");else{if("+CIFSR:STAIP"==d.substr(... ^ in function "b" called from line 1 col 15 d=void 0;b&&b() ^ in function called from system
Right now i use version 1v87, might that cause wifi.getIP() not to work?
Yes I scheduled it on the res on close event.
Oddly the memory usage did not vary at all.
And even stranger is the fact that this time around the error did not occur at all, even after many cycles...
Maybe it had something to do with the WiFi connection...
Anyways thank for the fast reply.