Avatar for user66778


Member since Aug 2016 • Last active Aug 2016
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for user66778

    Yes, it is the right after uploading. How do I read the actual available space out of that command?

    I will take a look at the stuff allocation then, and reducing the size of the module.

    Thanks a lot!

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for user66778

    I found that I can nest modules...

    However, I still get the out of memory error.

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for user66778


    I'm new to the forum and to Espruino Pico. I've been working on a module that is now about 20K minimized (closure - simple). I started to get EEROR: Out of Memory! if I add more prototypes. I'm not very familiar with how the Pico memory works and if there is any option to keep adding more prototypes to the module instead of moving some of the prototypes to the main code. That last option seems to work, but it is not the best choice for me.

    In case it helps...

    ={ "free": 4963, "usage": 137, "total": 5100, "history": 1858,
    "stackEndAddress": 536959420, "flash_start": 134217728, "flash_binary_end": 376280, "flash_code_start": 134234112, "flash_length": 393216 }

