Avatar for electronicsguy


Member since Jan 2016 • Last active May 2017
  • 1 conversations

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  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @gordon Error code "302" also refers to redirection (moved temporarily, like with google apps script). i think you should add this to the logic above.

  • in General
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    I happened to open this forum on a public computer and tried to login. To my astonishment, the persona login only asks for the email address and logs you in. You can change any account details you want without and password.

    What exactly is the thinking behind this?

    edit: ok please cancel this post. my stupidity :D I was already logged in into my gmail account on the same computer and the persona platform seems to pick credentials from there.

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @DrAzzy to each his own. I don't care about FCC certification. The esp-01 is a nifty lil thing and perfect for what I need.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Gordon Looks the same. The C++ has some extra stuff to do the parsing and passing variables, and checking X.509 certificate fingerprints. Your code is very seamless. Kudos.

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Gordon Great work on the new board Gordon. My 2 cents: Running an espruino board from a battery pack is definitely something I'd love. It makes it very convenient to place it in the field where you can't/don't run any power supply. (Do the power lines have decoupling caps?)

    I just saw the shims on Tindie and I think I'll purchase that to start off with. They +esp8266 seem like the perfect combo to me. Agreed there are many variants of esp8266, but the esp-01 with it's features packed in a small size is ideal for so many applications.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Gordon Ok let me correct my previous comment. I didn't realize the espruino is only JS. So the answer is no, it won't work as-is. The logic is pretty simple though, so it's not hard to adapt it for JS. I'll work on it when I have the time. Is there a espruino simulator I could test it on?

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Gordon Well the TLS 1.1 (HTTPS) support is required. If Espruino can do those requests, then it'll work. I don't have a Pico board to test.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Cale @Gordon I wrote a library to handle to redirects automatically, as long as you can use TLS to connect (which you now can, on the esp8266).

    More info here: HTTPSRedirect

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for electronicsguy

    @Cale I am using pushingbox as well. do you know of a way to get the response of a "GET" request made to Google sheets through pushingbox, back to the client? I don't have any text response from pushingbox at all, even though the actual pushing of data works.
