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Member since Nov 2015 • Last active Sep 2023
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    Was there ever a resolution to this ? We are seeing a similar on the nrf52840 based RAK5010.

    It is a hard crash of some kind, no errors shown and takes a reset to fix.

    Currently it is happening on a RAK5010 in one location and not another, so we are trying to establish if it is related to certain BLE advertisements

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    ok, that could explain why some care needs to be taken around serial and BLE at the same time. IT is strange that my code works fine on the RAK8212 (NRF52832), so there must be something subtlety different. @Gordon would implementing UARTE mode ever be on the roadmap ?

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    With further testing I have found that I still cant get reliable transfer of 22kb from the BG96 to NRF52840 (RAK5010).

    But what does seem to help (needs more testing) is for me to pause all BLE operations ie disconnect from the IDE and also pause the BLE scans I am doing in my code.

    The NRF52840 has a second serial port, so I might set that up for the IDE

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    So what I found is if I reduce the baud rate to 9600 then it is stable enough for my 22kb file to download without corruption as it is transferred over the serial port. Does not seem correct though to need to go this slow on a hardware serial port ?

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    I am a bit stuck on this one, as I can generate the UART_OVERFLOWS with small amounts of data being sent on a 1 sec interval. And as this error is coming from the bottom layers of Espruino it is a little hard to debug.

    In the meantime I am going to drop the baud rate back to 19200 and see if I can get a file transfer from BG96 to NRF working with flow control.

    But I would love to get to the root of this problem

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    I am having an issue with UART_OVERFLOW errors on the RAK5010 comms with the BG96

    You see at the end of the below commands the QNWINFO response from the BG96 is missing some characters. (But the issue happens in random places, not just there). If I slow the baud rate from 115200 to 19200 the problem pretty much goes away until I start using the BG96 to download a 22kb file from a server, then I get overflows again - although in this case it might be the 19200 is not fast enough to keep up.

    Using the same code on a RAK8212 (which defaults to 115200) I dont get overflows (although I have not tried the file download on that)

    In theory I have enabled the CTS control on the BG96 so with the commands below there should never be an overflow ? Any ideas ?

    ] "\r\n+CSQ: 19,99\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\n+CEREG: 0,1\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
    Send to server
    ] "\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\nOK\r"
    ] "\n\r\n+QIACT: 1,1,1,\"\"\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
    ] "\r\nOK\r"
    New interpreter error: UART_OVERFLOW
    ] "NFO: \"CAT-NB1\",\"53001\",\"LTE BAND 28\",9554\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
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    Excellent news, I have loaded the latest hex and my app is running. The only thing I am noticing at the moment is that I am getting occasional UART_OVERFLOW errors with serial to the BG96 and so commands are getting corrupted

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    I needed to figure out how to create a custom build yesterday (for the first time) and noticed it was down also. I needed to remove/add some libs to MDBT42Q.

    But what I found is that it is real easy to do these builds, @Gordon has made the process real easy to make the build process work at https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blo­b/master/README_Building.md

    Took me hour or so to create a custom MDBT42Q build without any prior knowledge - I just used the Ubuntu you can fire up in Windows.

    Just for anyone who had not had a go at this.

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    @Gordon but I am now having an issue where I am getting BLE error 0x6 and BLE error 0x8 with setScan() ? This is the same code I am running fine on nrf52832 hardware. Any thoughts ?
