• #2
Hi - I haven't come across this before at all! So the Puck works when the battery is half inserted?
I think you'd have to try and have a look and see if you can spot anything - I guess it could be shorting out on the PCB somehow, or I guess the opposite could be happening - maybe when pushed in further the battery actually loses connection to the Puck? That might happen if the bottom of the battery used was actually a bit concave?
As per subject, I've got a puck (I think from the kickstarter campaign way back), and when I half insert the (new) battery, it powers up fine and probing the 3V and GND test points gives me 3.00v off the battery.
But once I fully push the battery in, the voltage is around 0.2-0.4v - which explains why I couldn't connect to the Puck anymore.
It's visibly clean inside the Puck and barely used. The cell battery is clean too.
Is this a known (ideally fixable) issue?
Any ideas or advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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