• #2
Update: I added additional code on the iOS side to check the characteristic, and it reports only:
Properties CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2) read
• #3
Okay - got it solved! It was due to the iOS Bluetooth caching. Since I had connected to the device at some point, it cached the initial service and characteristics (which were only read). I did try turning Bluetooth off at the swipe down menu but this apparently did not clear it.
To clear the iOS bluetooth cache I do this:
- settings > Bluetooth > Turn off - wait a bit, turn back on
This did the trick, and now setting notify works correctly, and I get notifications! Woot - go espruino!
- settings > Bluetooth > Turn off - wait a bit, turn back on
• #4
Okay - got it solved! It was due to the iOS Bluetooth caching
Great! Thanks for letting us know!
I'm afraid this does seem to be a common issue when developing Bluetooth devices with iOS :)
Hey everyone,
Really enjoying getting back into working with my Puck.js v 2.0b Firmware 2v14
I'm trying to get the Puck to notify my iOS app (Xcode 13.4), and I am able to find and connect to the Puck, discover the services and custom characteristic, but when I try to
setNotifyValue(true, for: customCharacteristic)
I get the following error and notifications are clearly do not work when I press the button:The Puck.js code I am using is from the documentation:
Appreciate any guidance.