• #2
Mon 2020.03.23
Hi Nick,
As you have a background in Arduino development, the request above appears to be more of a how do I apply Javascript to the microcontroller environment, rather than seeking a suitable Javascript tutorial.
Javascript language syntax may be gained using my favorite site:
especially the ability to use their 'Try it' buttons to see things in action immediately:
https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_oper_addNeed a comprehensive place, MDN 'Tutorials For complete beginners':
Best way to learn, run some tutorials, flash the onboard light, detect a button click:
I also note that your forums posts seem to be all Bangle related, so using the online emulator is a good place to start.Some hints when starting with the Web IDE Emulator for Bangle.js
Just click here to launch emulator:
Placed at the top of the Bangle forum topic is the thread:
As Bangle is a new addition to the Espruino family, expect that the community will start to post examples to boast their individual progress.
@Abhigkar just posted his Super Mario clock example today!
• #3
Thanks for your quick and comprehensive reply. I will certainly have a good look at those links.
Yes, I do have a Bangle, although the other Espruino based devices also look interesting.
• #4
'the other Espruino based devices also look interesting'
I originally started with the Pico for it's fast accessibility, just plug it into your PC USB port and y'er up and running.
But now, I'm after the extras with the MDBT42Q breakout board. If connecting via the web and the browser is your goal, the Espruino WiFi has horsepower for that task. Need a display mounted as an Arduino shield, Pixl.js it is. Puck.js is a simple coin size button.
• #5
The Pico looks really cool.
I'm gonna cut my teeth on the Bangle first though unless I think of any great ideas for one of the other boards in the meantime.
Could anyone point me in the direction of a suitable JavaScript tutorial. The only ones I can find online are for use on the web.
I have programmed Arduinos in the past and a little in C. So I'm not coming in totally cold but some of the Espruino tutorials go a little over my head.
Also, are watch faces just apps like any other or are they coded differently?