• #2
Yeah, it's covered in some other posts.
There's no flow control, and at 115200 baud the data can get sent faster than the ESP32/ESP8266 can handle it, so the Web IDE has to artificially throttle it so as not to introduce errors when uploading large functions.
If you look at the log it probably is throttling regardless of the setting you used in the IDE.
IMO ESP8266/ESP32 should just use 9600 baud like every other one of the boards that runs Espruino, but while they don't I have to artificially throttle to near-9600 baud rates or I keep getting support emails from people telling me it's not working :)
• #3
A solution to this would be that the IDE does an analysis of what is about to be sent to the board and dynamically adjusts the throttling... something 'non-functional' to work on when running out of functional work.
Sending data from WebIDE to ESP32 is very slow.
I compared WEBIDe with putty.
In both cases baudrate is 115200. In WEBIDE Throttle Send is disabled.
Pasting about 5KB into putty takes less a second
Pasting same into terminal window of WEBIDE takes more than 6 secs
Any idea, why we have this big difference in speed ?