• #2
Is the OS properly up to date?
What happens if you wait for a few seconds? I think sometimes the Bluetooth stack can take a while to register a disconnection properly.
• #3
Actually I may have misunderstood - so you're trying to connect using your own code in Node.js, and are having trouble getting it to disconnect?
Could you share a simple bit of code where it happens for you?
• #4
Yes the OS ( raspbian Stretch ) is up to date, i use the noble module to scan the puck when the button is clicked , the code :
// get the mac address of new puckJS - we use noble.js to scan BLE device whose peripheral name is Puck.js then get the mac address and store it function onDiscovery(peripheral) { if (peripheral.advertisement.localName == undefined || peripheral.address == 'unknown') { return; } if (peripheral.advertisement.localName.includes("Puck.js")) { if (peripheral.address == puckJSdevice) { if (!peripheral.advertisement.manufacturerData || peripheral.advertisement.manufacturerData[0] != 0x90 || peripheral.advertisement.manufacturerData[1] != 0x05) return; var data = peripheral.advertisement.manufacturerData.slice(2); //console.log(data); if (lastAdvertising[peripheral.address] == undefined) { lastAdvertising[peripheral.address] = data.toString(); } // check for changed services if (lastAdvertising[peripheral.address] != data.toString()) { console.log(lastAdvertising[peripheral.address], data.toString()); puckClicked.onDeviceChanged(peripheral.address, data); } else { currentNumberClicked = data.readInt8(); justOnePass = 0; } lastAdvertising[peripheral.address] = data; } if (puckJSnoble) { return; } puckJSnoble = peripheral; if (puckJSdevice) { return; } else { console.log("passage config puck"); puckJSdevice = peripheral.address; //save the new PuckJS button mac address in the database in tv_config.puckjs request(serverFamily + '/1.0/tvs/addPuckJSConfig/' + process.env._MAC + '?puckjs=' + puckJSdevice, function (error, res) { console.log(error || res.message, 'puck button saved'); }); resetScriptPuck();
Then when the clicked button event is triggered i use this code to light the LED ( with espruino ) :
// send command to puck - light the LED exec('espruino -t -p ' + puckJSdevice + ' -e "LED2.set();"',function(error,stdout,stderr){ console.log("ESPRUINO LIGHT THE LED error : ", error, "stdout : ", stdout, "stderr : ",stderr); });
On node.js server start i reset and upload this code to puck :
var presses = 0; setWatch(function() { if(presses > 100){presses=0} presses++; LED2.reset(); LED3.reset(); NRF.setAdvertising({},{manufacturer: 0x0590, manufacturerData:[presses]}); }, BTN, {edge:"rising", repeat:1, debounce:50})
Sometimes it cannot light the led and i have this message : unable to connect "MAC ADDRESS"
or it stop to emit DATA from BLE ( because it still connected to my raspberry controller after the LED is turned on ).
Would it be a solution to force remove the connected puck with "bluetoothctl" before sending the expression with espruino to avoid this? or just waiting a few seconds before trying to connect ?Thanks !
• #5
Ok - so you call into the espruino CLI to send data to Espruino?
I imagine that would cause some problems as you have two separate processes trying to use the BLE device? Could you not use the same
package from Node.js itself? See https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoTools#npm-moduleYou may also have to explicitly call
again after you complete the connection as well... -
• #6
OK thank you i'll try it !
• #7
I have tried with the npm module but i have the same problem. When i want to send an expression after uploading a JS script .. i have "Una"
• #8
** i have "Unable to connect"
Thank you -
• #9
could it be a battery problem ? now i have " Error Getting services/characteristics " when i send a expression with module "espruino.expr(puckJSdevice, 'LED2.set()',function(){ noble.StartScanning([],true); }).
Thank you.
• #10
You could try with a fresh battery just in case . You could also try
/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
just in case the OS has got itself confused.Have to stopped scanning before calling
? I guess that might help.
Hello, i have a problem with the command line Espruino and noble in my node.js server.
When i want to disconnect et reconnect my device, it often stuck in 'connecting' status.
I'm working with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Raspbian Stretch OS.
my HCIDUMP when i connect device with some code sent to puck.js :
then when i want to disconnect and reconnect with another code
the Espruino command line tool STDERR :
noble warning: unknown handle 64 disconnected!
Port "c6:93:50:de:bc:bd" not found
Unable to connect!
It seems like puck.js stay connected with my bluetooth controler after a simple espruino command
"espruino -t -p c6:93:50:de:bc:bd -e 'LED3.set();'"
Thanks !