Puck.js, node-red, IFTTT

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  • I would like to trigger 2 IFTTT events with my Puck.js, the first IFTTT event, turns on a wifi plug and the second event turns off the wifi plug, all this done in node-red.
    I’m using the following code on the Puck.js, it send a different number each time the button is pressed, a 1 or an 11.

    var pressCount = 0;
    setWatch(function() {
      if ( pressCount == 1)
        0xFFFF : [pressCount]
       pressCount = 10;
        0xFFFF : [pressCount]
        pressCount = 0;
    }, BTN, { edge:"rising", repeat:true, debounce:50 });

    in the node-red input mqtt node, I use the following as the Topic:

    using a function node, I was trying to test for the 2 pressCount value I was sending each time I pressed the puck.js
    I could not figure how to test for the pressCount value so I ended up testing for the length.
    The following is the code I ended up using in the node fuction:

    var newMsg = { payload: msg.payload.length };
    if (newMsg.payload == 29) {
       return [  msg, null ];
    } else  {
        return [ null, msg ];

    It worked out OK testing for the length, but if someone could show me how I could test for the pressCount value that would be appreciated.


  • If you put the message through to the debug node then you'll be able to see what's in it.

    At the moment it appears that what you'll be seeing is {"type":"Buffer","data":[11]}, so to get the data you need to do JSON.parse(msg.payload).data[0].

    However that was never the intention. If you pull the latest version of EspruinoHub I just fixed it so it reports a JSON array. It means you can check with msg.payload=="[11]" or can do JSON.stringify(msg.payload) and get an actual array.

  • thank you, will try this out

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Puck.js, node-red, IFTTT

Posted by Avatar for user90273 @user90273
