• #2
Did you use proper Windows 10 drivers? I wonder whether Windows 7 drivers will install but won't handle BLE correctly :S
However you might have some luck using
(even on Windows 10) to force the CSR module to use the WinUSB drivers.Once that's done the Web IDE will be able to start talking directly to the CSR device and you might be able to use it - even without Windows itself being able to see the Puck.
• #3
• #4
ok - there are some instructions on the Web IDE page: http://www.espruino.com/Web+IDE
• #6
1 Attachment
• #7
Using the info here: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13376334/
I could not modify the usb.js directly - and then saw above it trys to load from ENV vars.
So I set this:
C:\Users\rhys>set BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_VID=0x0a12 C:\Users\rhys>set BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_PID=0x0001 cd C:\Program Files\EspruinoIDE nw.exe
Still the error - the console log shows:
noble starting scan Found UART device: Puck.js 21d9 d8:84:27:2c:21:d9 Found UART device: Puck.js c768 e8:5a:f0:ae:c7:68 Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found UART device: Puck.js 21d9 d8:84:27:2c:21:d9 Found UART device: Puck.js c768 e8:5a:f0:ae:c7:68 >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true BT> Connecting BT> ERROR Connecting ERROR: Unable to open device (connectionInfo=undefined) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed.
This is with espruino_ide_win64_0v65.8.exe
• #8
I copied the usb.js file out of the tree and tried adding (and copy back):
usb.findByIds(0x0a12, 0x0001) ||
this._usbDevice = usb.findByIds(0x0a12, 0x0001) || usb.findByIds(0x0a5c, 0x21e8) || usb.findByIds(0x19ff, 0x0239) || usb.findByIds(0x0a12, 0x0001) || usb.findByIds(0x0b05, 0x17cb) || usb.findByIds(0x8087, 0x07dc);
Same connection error.
• #9
Can you post up the contents of settings->console?
Good find about the environment vars, but if you're not getting errors in the console about not finding the correct device then I'm pretty sure that bit is working. If you're getting the Bluetooth device names reported then presumably it's able to access the Bluetooth radio just fine.
You could try disabling Bluetooth from Windows, in case somehow that's confusing things... It could be that Windows (or some other device) is still trying to connect with the original Bluetooth adaptor.
• #10
This is with the 65.9 exe:
Can't see any bluetooth to disable. Under the USN icon there is an option to eject the generic blue tooth device.
Here is the log:We have chrome.serial - not using 'serialport' module Disable Web Bluetooth as we have Winnus instead serial_audio: Audio Sample rate : 48000 serial_audio: Audio Serial Baud 9600 Bit time 5 Web Bluetooth available, but Windows Web Bluetooth is broken in <=56 - not using it GET chrome.storage.sync = {"AUTO_SAVE_CODE":true,"BAUD_RATE":"115200","BLOCKLY_EXTENSIONS":"|bluetooth|robot|","BLOCKLY_LANGUAGE":"en","BLOCKLY_TO_JS":false,"BOARD_JSON_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/json","CODE":"require(\"http\").get(\"https://www.google.com\", function(res) {\n res.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data); });\n});","COMPILATION":true,"COMPILATION_URL":"http://www.espruino.com:32766","ENABLE_Testing":false,"ENV_ON_CONNECT":true,"FONT_SIZE":12,"MINIFICATION_DeadCode":true,"MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"","MINIFICATION_Literal":true,"MINIFICATION_Mangle":true,"MINIFICATION_Unreachable":true,"MINIFICATION_Unused":true,"MODULE_AS_FUNCTION":false,"MODULE_EXTENSIONS":".min.js|.js","MODULE_MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"ESPRIMA","MODULE_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/modules","NPM_MODULES":false,"RESET_BEFORE_SEND":true,"SAVE_ON_SEND":0,"SERIAL_AUDIO":"0","SERIAL_TCPIP":"","SERIAL_THROTTLE_SEND":false,"SET_TIME_ON_WRITE":false,"SHOW_CODE_LINK_ICON":false,"SHOW_RELOAD_ICON":false,"SHOW_WEBCAM_ICON":0,"STORE_LINE_NUMBERS":true,"Sound_Error":"","Sound_Info":"","Sound_Success":"","Sound_Warning":"","Speak_Error":false,"Speak_Info":false,"Speak_Success":false,"Speak_Warning":false,"UI_MODE":"Normal","WEB_BLUETOOTH":false} Initialising SettingsConsole Initialising Utils Initialising Config Initialising Notifications Initialising Status Initialising App Initialising File Initialising Code Initialising Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Socket - Initialising Serial Noble - Initialising Serial Windows NUS BLE - Initialising Serial Audio Initialising Terminal Initialising CodeWriter Initialising Modules Initialising Env Initialising Flasher Initialising EditorBlockly Initialising EditorJavaScript Initialising Send Initialising MenuPortSelector Initialising MenuSettings Initialising MenuFlasher Initialising SettingsAbout Initialising SettingsFlasher Initialising BoardJSON Initialising VersionChecker Initialising Compiler Initialising Assembler Initialising GetGitHub Initialising NPMModules Initialising ExamplePlugin Initialising Unicode Initialising SaveOnSend Initialising Minify Initialising Tutorial Initialising Webcam Initialising FontSize Initialising UiMode Initialising URLHandler Initialising CodeLink Initialising Project Initialising Testing Initialising Notification_Sound Initialising Tern Initialising Debugger Initialising Tour Initialising SettingsProfile Initialising HelpLinks Loaded code from storage. noble starting scan Found UART device: Puck.js 21d9 d8:84:27:2c:21:d9 Found UART device: Puck.js c768 e8:5a:f0:ae:c7:68 Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: ac:bc:32:68:9d:8b Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found UART device: Puck.js 21d9 d8:84:27:2c:21:d9 Found device: 3a:9f:95:92:b0:9e Found device: 3a:9f:95:92:b0:9e Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found UART device: Puck.js c768 e8:5a:f0:ae:c7:68 Found device: ac:bc:32:68:9d:8b Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true BT> Connecting BT> ERROR Connecting ERROR: Unable to open device (connectionInfo=undefined) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. Found UART device: Puck.js 21d9 d8:84:27:2c:21:d9 Found UART device: Puck.js c768 e8:5a:f0:ae:c7:68 Found device: 3a:9f:95:92:b0:9e Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: 3a:9f:95:92:b0:9e Found device: BB-3370 fa:dd:31:4a:33:70 Found device: ac:bc:32:68:9d:8b Found device: ac:bc:32:68:9d:8b noble stopping scan
• #11
Ok, in a way that's good news then. It's definitely communicating with your BLE dongle, and seeing the Pucks.
Have you been able to update the firmware on your Pucks yet? The 1v88 version of the firmware doesn't advertise very often, and could potentially be causing the connection issues (although it should work after a few tries).
• #12
Yes - I have updated the firmware on the pucks - can't recall the version.
On the lighter side of things - I'm finding it amusing that my son's sphero bb8 is showing up as a device. I guess this means there is potential of getting a puck.js talking to it.
• #13
Absolutely - actually there's already a Web Bluetooth BB8 demo, so it could be tweaked pretty easily for Puck.js I imagine.
You might have some more luck using the command-line app or a Raspberry Pi (instructions are also in the Quick Start) - I'm really surprised it's got as far as showing the device without managing to connect at all though :(
• #14
I've got the same issue in Win7 and build in BlueTooth in Lenovo w540:
Any one had any success using a csr4.0 USB? The default Microsoft drivers are used, however pucks don't appear. I can pair to my iPhone as it appears.
My son's dell Windows 10 laptop shows the pucks as devices. The csr4.0 should support BLE so I don't know what is the difference is.