• #2
I've just made a modification, more like a dirty little hack, to use clock module.
var Clock = require("clock").Clock; var clk=new Clock(14,6,4,0,0,0,0); // Y,M,D H:M:S IDK,IDK var date;// = "5/6/14"; var json = {"6/3/14":"g","13/3/14":"b","20/3/14":"g","27/3/14":"b","3/4/14":"g","10/4/14":"b","17/4/14":"g","25/4/14":"b","1/5/14":"g","9/5/14":"b","15/5/14":"g","22/5/14":"b","30/5/14":"g","5/6/14":"b","12/6/14":"g","19/6/14":"b","26/6/14":"g","3/7/14":"b","10/7/14":"g","17/7/14":"b","24/7/14":"g","31/7/14":"b","7/8/14":"g","14/8/14":"b","21/8/14":"g","29/8/14":"b","4/9/14":"g","11/9/14":"b","18/9/14":"g","25/9/14":"b","1/10/14":"g","9/10/14":"b","16/10/14":"g","12/10/14":"b","30/10/14":"g","6/11/14":"b","13/11/14":"g","20/11/14":"b","27/11/14":"g","4/12/14":"b","11/12/14":"g","18/12/14":"b","24/12/14":"g","2/1/15":"s","8/1/15":"g","15/1/15":"b","22/1/15":"g","29/1/15":"b","5/2/15":"g","12/2/15":"b","19/2/15":"g","26/2/15":"b","5/3/15":"g","12/3/15":"b","19/3/15":"g","26/3/15":"b","2/4/15":"g","10/4/15":"b","16/4/15":"g","23/4/15":"b","30/4/15":"g","8/5/15":"b","14/5/15":"g","21/5/15":"b","29/5/15":"g","4/6/15":"b","11/6/15":"g","18/6/15":"b","25/6/15":"g","2/7/15":"b","9/7/15":"g","16/7/15":"b","23/7/15":"g","30/7/15":"b","6/8/15":"g","13/8/15":"b","20/8/15":"g","27/8/15":"b","4/9/15":"g","10/9/15":"b","17/9/15":"g","24/9/15":"b","1/10/15":"g","8/10/15":"b","15/10/15":"g","22/10/15":"b","29/10/15":"g"}; function check(){ var type; if(!(date in json)){ console.log("Not a bin day"); }else{ switch(json[date]) { case "g": type = "Green bin"; break; case "b": type = "Brown bin"; break; case "s": type = "Green & Plastic"; break; } console.log("It's a bin day, its the " + type); } } function update(){ var time = clk.getClockTime(); date = Math.floor(time.day + 1) + "/" + time.month + "/" + time.year; check(); } setWatch(function(){update();}, BTN1, {repeat:true,edge:"rising", debounce:5/*ms*/}); //setInterval(update,10000);
• #3
Great... thanks! The clock module should work pretty well for this. I like the data/json structure too - it's easy to write and use, and in Espruino it's actually about as efficient as a standard integer-indexed array.
Out of interest, is there a reason why you parsed the JSON string data, rather than just taking it out of the quotes and defining it like:
var json = {"6/3/14":"g","13/3/14":"b","20/3/14":"g","27/3/14":"b","3/4/14":"g","10/4/14":"b","17/4/14":"g","25/4/14":"b","1/5/14":"g","9/5/14":"b","15/5/14":"g","22/5/14":"b","30/5/14":"g","5/6/14":"b","12/6/14":"g","19/6/14":"b","26/6/14":"g","3/7/14":"b","10/7/14":"g","17/7/14":"b","24/7/14":"g","31/7/14":"b","7/8/14":"g","14/8/14":"b","21/8/14":"g","29/8/14":"b","4/9/14":"g","11/9/14":"b","18/9/14":"g","25/9/14":"b","1/10/14":"g","9/10/14":"b","16/10/14":"g","12/10/14":"b","30/10/14":"g","6/11/14":"b","13/11/14":"g","20/11/14":"b","27/11/14":"g","4/12/14":"b","11/12/14":"g","18/12/14":"b","24/12/14":"g","2/1/15":"s","8/1/15":"g","15/1/15":"b","22/1/15":"g","29/1/15":"b","5/2/15":"g","12/2/15":"b","19/2/15":"g","26/2/15":"b","5/3/15":"g","12/3/15":"b","19/3/15":"g","26/3/15":"b","2/4/15":"g","10/4/15":"b","16/4/15":"g","23/4/15":"b","30/4/15":"g","8/5/15":"b","14/5/15":"g","21/5/15":"b","29/5/15":"g","4/6/15":"b","11/6/15":"g","18/6/15":"b","25/6/15":"g","2/7/15":"b","9/7/15":"g","16/7/15":"b","23/7/15":"g","30/7/15":"b","6/8/15":"g","13/8/15":"b","20/8/15":"g","27/8/15":"b","4/9/15":"g","10/9/15":"b","17/9/15":"g","24/9/15":"b","1/10/15":"g","8/10/15":"b","15/10/15":"g","22/10/15":"b","29/10/15":"g"};
You could use one of the Nokia 5110 LCDs, or maybe even a Sharp Memory LCD - and then it could sit there running off a solar cell :)
For this it may not be such a big deal, but Espruino's RTC uses the internal RC oscillator, which is only accurate to 1% or so. It's dead easy to solder on a watch crystal though.
• #4
The only reason the JSON was like that was that when i tried it i used [] not {}, woops.
I plan to solder one of those crystals on but should i add some capacitors or are the traces truly enough?
• #5
The traces seem like enough - I think there is some capacitance inside the chip, as adding the capacitors you're supposed to often stops it from working!
Putting the bins out is one of my chores, grumble grumble, but i always seem to forget when a bin day is, so as a programming kid i thought a calendar is too simple and boring so i broke out the Espruino and converted my bin dates to JSON. This script currently only checks if the specified date is a bin day and if it it prints what type of bin it is. I plan to use a RTC and a LCD to have this as a clock that can also show notifications, but i need to get a RTC for that (I've got some Chinese ones but there's no Espruino modules and i think they're broken anyway). When i add this all i'll need to do is get the RTC time and add a day (You put the bins out the night before) then either check when i update the clock part or every 10 or 30 mins.
Currently to use just change the date variable to a string like "11/12/14" and press BTN1 or use check()