So this is what I've got so far. I've mapped everything as per the previous map spreadsheet and have added a screw terminal to attached 5v power (I haven't yet added a voltage regulator yet). I've also added a power jumper to allow the 5v to be sent to VBAT in order to power the Espruino too. I've purposefully located the screw terminal in front of the power socket on the Espruino to prevent 2 power supplies being attached at once.
So, my last question. What do people thing regarding the 5v regulator? If we used a L7805, this would require a minimum of 7v to be supplied right? Plus would need space for a heatsink. What if someone wants to connect a 5v supply direct? Has anybody got any other suggestions for regulating the voltage? or should we just have the screw terminal and say "make sure you attached a regulated 5v supply"?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So this is what I've got so far. I've mapped everything as per the previous map spreadsheet and have added a screw terminal to attached 5v power (I haven't yet added a voltage regulator yet). I've also added a power jumper to allow the 5v to be sent to VBAT in order to power the Espruino too. I've purposefully located the screw terminal in front of the power socket on the Espruino to prevent 2 power supplies being attached at once.
So, my last question. What do people thing regarding the 5v regulator? If we used a L7805, this would require a minimum of 7v to be supplied right? Plus would need space for a heatsink. What if someone wants to connect a 5v supply direct? Has anybody got any other suggestions for regulating the voltage? or should we just have the screw terminal and say "make sure you attached a regulated 5v supply"?
1 Attachment