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  • You mean the line of black rectangles? No, normally I don't see, but if I increase the contrast, I can see the whole first line (my LCD is 2x24) as black bar, but second line is blank...

    If I run lcd.cursor() I see a black underscore line at first column of first line, which then becomes a blinking rectangle with lcd.cursor(1) - understand that's how it should be. The lcd.setCursor(col,row) also works as it should, moving the cursor correctly.

    Running lcd.write() doesn't make any changes, but when I enter lcd.print("anything"), the cursor disappears, and reappears with lcd.setCursor() or lcd.clear() commands.

    So, what might be a problem? Looks like the commands mode works, but not the displaying of characters? Your advise is very much appreciated. Many thanks.
    Mac Ha


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