• #2
If you have control over the network, you should under no circumstances run a wifi network using WEP - you might as well not "secure" it at all; WEP was blown wide open years ago, and is now trivial to break into.
The CC3000 supports it, but the module does not:
In /libs/network/cc3000/jswrap_cc3000.c
we see this:char ap[32]; char key[32]; unsigned long security = WLAN_SEC_UNSEC; jsvGetString(vAP, ap, sizeof(ap)); if (jsvIsString(vKey)) { security = WLAN_SEC_WPA2; jsvGetString(vKey, key, sizeof(key)); }
So it looks like if any key is supplied, it uses WPA2.
I just changed that to WLAN_SEC_WEP and kicked off a build to test with
http://drazzy.com/espruino/espruino_1v68_espruino_1r3_CC3k_wep.binThis does NOT have the bigram changes, and I didn't bother changing compiler flags, so you can't save() with it - but that should be enough to test whether that's all that's needed to make it work with WEP.
• #5
It's WPA2 only, there's also a WLAN_SEC_WPA defined right next to the other options - but per the code above, the module always chooses either unsecured or WPA2.
• #6
Ok thanks for confirming @DrAzzy.
@Gordon, one observation is that supporting other options can't hurt, with WPA2 as default. I know not everyone has a crappy old router they want to use, but not everyone can be on WPA2 either I imagine. I suspect I can upgrade my router firmware, but it's more 'friction' when perhaps it could just be an another argument in wlan.connect(
Just a thought, and thanks again for clearing up the current position both.
• #7
Yes, I've just added a bug for this.
At the time of implementation it was really just one less thing to write/test so it got left out. It shouldn't be a big deal to add.
I think the board supports it, but does the cc3000 module allow this. Example is WPA. I had a look through the Github repo for clues but nothing jumped out at me.